
Reach for a New Reality in 2021!

January 6, 2021
Nina Fry-Kizler, Senior Designer, Experiential Programs

With the arrival of the new year, IONS is thrilled to announce the launch of our 2021 Possibility Accelerator Workshop! This workshop is a research-based program focusing on noetic concepts, tools, and practices to support you in creating any personal or collective transformation for yourself, your community or the world at large. At IONS, we refer to this as a Moonshot. Registration is now open: learn more!

The workshop focuses on the Possibility Accelerator Formula:

Curious? Join us for a free webinar where we’ll introduce a core component of the workshop.

Creating Our Future Now: Exploring the Possibility Accelerator Formula
January 15th at 11:00am PT


Set the intention for your hopes, dreams, and desires.

Invite information from the interconnected field of consciousness to arise.

Take action to launch your moonshot and begin to create the future, now!

This framework will help anyone who has a passion project or dream. Whether you have a clear sense of your Moonshot, or it’s simply a feeling that you want to create something of value for yourself and the world, this workshop will support you in bringing your vision to life. Along with a full, rich curriculum, you’ll get support from IONS facilitators as well as an inspiring cohort of Possibility Accelerator explorers.

Learn More About The 2021 Possibility Accelerator Workshop

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