At IONS, we’ve brought together scientists, researchers, thought leaders, visionaries, healers, strategists, and outstanding support staff to form one of the most dynamic, interdisciplinary teams working in the field today. Everyone at IONS understands the power of approaching work with both the head and the heart, whether grappling with frontier questions about collective consciousness or welcoming participants to our weekly free webinars.
Our Staff
Meet the extraordinary assembly of individuals working in unison to advance the mission and vision of IONS.
Meet Our Team
Our Leadership
We are grateful to have brought together a group with diverse backgrounds and complementary skillsets to help lead the IONS team boldly into the future.

Our Scientists
As experts in physics, molecular biology, neuroscience, computer science, computer engineering, psychophysiology, EEG, and clinical research, we work together to conduct cutting-edge research on consciousness and its role in the physical world.