
Participate in IONS Research

To further our scientific research, we often invite individuals like you to participate in our research and experiments.

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Would you like to participate in a study on altered states of consciousness and knowing the future?

This research study aims to evaluate how a unique relaxing environment, the ganzfeld, and personality influence a person’s ability to know things about the future, an experience called (precognition). Eligible volunteers will be adults, interested in exploring their experiences and thoughts while participating in a precognitive test, and who have not any serious psychological, neurological conditions in the last year. 

The study involves:

  • Completing one online screening survey (@10 minutes)
  • Two in-person 60 minute sessions at the Institute of Noetic Sciences laboratory in Novato, CA. 
  • At the sessions, you will complete questionnaires and tasks, including a 35-minute ganzfeld protocol that includes sitting in a reclining armchair, wearing a pair of glasses that show a steady red light without any contours, and a pair of headphones that play relaxing instructions followed by a static noise (like radio noise when there is no reception).

Participants who complete all study activities will receive $20 via PayPal. The research study is being conducted by Dr. Helané Wahbeh at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IORG#0003743). 

Learn More About how to participate in this study

You can also email to learn more.

Have you ever had a mind-to-mind connection?

Do you ever know or feel what someone else feels or thinks? Do you frequently feel connected to a twin or loved one even when you haven’t seen or communicated with them in some time? 

IONS is looking for identical twins or emotionally bonded pairs to investigate the phenomenon of mind-to-mind communication. If you have experienced such “telepathic” instances, we invite you to take part in this study. This study’s overall goal is to select 100 pairs of people with strong telepathic-type bonds to participate in future neuroscience studies aimed at investigating this mode of communication.

Who can participate?

  • Identical twins or emotionally bonded pairs over the age of 18
  • Those who can read and write fluent English
  • Those with secure access to the internet and be comfortable with performing online tasks
  • People who have experienced two or more instances of telepathic connections that both members of the pair can confirm

Study activities:

  • You will complete surveys to understand the history of your relationship with your partner, and any similar experiences you may have had with others 
  • The first survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. 
  • If you are selected and want to participate in the next phase of the study, you and your partner will separately complete another survey that will take about 20 minutes. 
  • If you are selected and want to participate in the third phase of this study, you and your partner will complete another survey and engage in some online tasks that will take approximately 20 minutes. 

Individual results will not be shared, and any reports we prepare will not contain any identifying information.

Learn more & Apply to Participate

This study is being conducted by the Institute of Noetic Sciences. All study activities are overseen by an Institutional Review Board (IORG#0003743). The Principal Investigator of the study is Dean Radin PhD.

What do people experience at physical mediumship séances? Help us find out

Are you attending a physical mediumship séance? IONS is collecting information about what séance attendees experience.

Who can participate?

  • Any English-speaking adult physical mediumship séance

Study activities:

  • One 15-minute feedback form after the séance.
  • Feedback will include:
    • Personal questions about your age, gender, etc.
    • Your past experiences with séances
    • Your experiences at your current séance
    • You will also be asked if we can contact you for an OPTIONAL follow-up interview.

You will receive the group results after the study is complete. Individual results will not be shared, and reports will not include any identifying information.

For each séance feedback form you complete, you will be entered into a drawing for $250.


This study is being conducted by the Institute of Noetic Sciences and all study activities are overseen by an Institutional Review Board (IORG#0003743). The Principal Investigator of the study is Helané Wahbeh, ND.

Can we detect car accidents with intuition?      Help us find out.

The purpose of this study is to better understand how our body and brain may subconsciously anticipate unpredictable car accidents. The study consists of being in a self-driving car in virtual reality (VR) while we monitor your brain, heart, and skin electric activity, and eye movements. If you are a healthy adult and don’t have adverse reactions when driving a vehicle, you may be able to  participate.


IRB#CCAN_2023_01 – This study is conducted by the Institute of Noetic Sciences – Dr. Cedric Cannard is the Principal Investigator. 

Picture Dataset Rating Study

IONS, in collaboration with Damon Abraham PhD, is developing an open-source database of images for use in Remote Viewing research and applications and parapsychological and traditional psychological research. To develop the database, we collect individuals’ ratings of visual images along 6 dimensions of experience.

In this task, you will be asked to complete an online survey that involves viewing photographic images and making several ratings for each. The task will be conducted online and should take about an hour to complete, but feel free to take as much time as you need. By following the link below, you will be directed to an online consent form. After providing your consent, you will be given a brief survey of your demographic information and will watch the instructional video. Following the instructions, you will be automatically directed to the study, where you will rate the images.

We ask that you please pay careful attention to the instructional video. Finally, we ask that you please read each question carefully and make your ratings to the best of your ability without relying too much on your prior experience (if any) with Remote Viewing or other similar activities.


If you have questions, please feel free to get in touch with Dr. Abraham at

Noetic EXperiences Archive (NEXA)

Have you ever had a spiritual or transcendent experience? It might be noetic.

Noetic EXperiences Archive (NEXA)In a noetic experience, someone receives information or energy from beyond the conventional notions of space and time. An experience of oneness or peace, a message from a deceased relative, a mind-to-mind communication with another person — these are all noetic experiences.

At IONS, we are seeking to better understand these relatively common occurrences.

Want to help? We are collecting these experiences in the Noetic EXperiences Archive (NEXA).

To participate, you must be 18 years of age or older, able to read and write in English, and to fully understand and consent to the study activities. No compensation.


Principal investigator Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR, IRB# WAHH_2021_02, 04/12/2021

Got Psi?

Got Psi?Many people have had precognitive dreams or successful intuitive hunches and ask themselves: Do I have psychic or psi abilities?

GotPsi is a simple way to explore these abilities through a suite of psi tests based on techniques similar to those used in more formal laboratory experiments. The tests are fun (and valid) and you’ll get immediate feedback about your performance. There are also various “Halls of Fame” where you can compare your performance with others.

Click to Explore Your Psi Abilities

Principal investigator Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR, study IRB# WAH_2018_05, 03/01/2021

Studies by IONS Fellows

Projects by IONS Fellow Rupert Sheldrake, PhD*

Joint Attention TestThe Joint Attention Test

Can you tell when someone is looking at the same photo you are?

Joint attention is the shared focus of two or more individuals on the same object. Detecting the direction of another person’s gaze plays a major role in establishing joint attention. The purpose of this research is to find out if joint attention involves a kind of mental resonance that can be felt by people looking at the same thing, even if they are many miles apart.

This experiment requires two people and takes less than five minutes to complete. One of you registers a group name, then you both log in at a prearranged time. In each of 12 trials you’ll be randomly shown either the same picture or different ones. After 10 seconds, you’ll be asked “Was your partner looking at the same picture?” In half the trials you’ll do the guessing while your partner concentrates on the image, then in the second half you’ll reverse roles.

Take the Joint Attention Test

Waking Before Alarm Clocks Go Off

Have you ever woken just before your alarm clock goes off? What about waking before unscheduled disturbances?

IONS Fellow, Rupert Sheldrake, is conducting exciting new research around this common but mysterious phenomenon, which may be a form of pre-sentiment precognition. He is interested in hearing from those who have had experiences of waking just before unexpected alarms, such as fire alarms, or any other unscheduled disturbance. Watch a brief (4 min) video about the experiment and learn how you can participate by sharing your own experiences.

Watch Video

*Please note that these projects are not being overseen by a research ethics committee.


Projects by IONS Fellow Peter Bancel


The Psi@Home project connects volunteers from around the world with researchers investigating psi – those familiar, yet furtive, experiences such as premonitions and synchronicities that defy scientific explanation to this day. Research studies of psi effects are often carried out in laboratory settings with volunteer subjects. However, the necessity of traveling to the lab limits who can participate. The Psi@Home project uses a downloadable app that allows people to participate in psi experiments in their own home, at any location, and at any time.

Psi@Home is currently seeking volunteers for several distinct cohorts. If you would like to learn more about becoming a cohort member, further information is available at this website. We hope you will consider participating. Participation is easy and fun. It’s also a way that you can help researchers broaden the horizons of science.

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