Noetic Sciences
There’s More to Explore
Resources, media, information and tools you can use to enhance your understanding, expand your mind, and feed your soul.
Media for Members
Video libraries exclusively for IONS Members include ConnectIONS Live webinars, IONS Insider Updates, past Conference presentations, and more!
Spontaneous Remission Bibliography
The Spontaneous Remission Annotated Bibliography is one of IONS’ most compelling projects. Introduced in 1993 as the world’s first gold standard of spontaneous remission research, the database has now entered an extraordinary new phase. IONS Fellow Dr. Joshua Weiss and his team are completing the final touches on a dynamic, web-based clinical tool that will transform the chronic disease treatment landscape, for both patients and doctors.
IONS scientists have been featured in many videos and presentation recordings. Here you’ll find a curated collection of videos that are sure to inform and inspire.
NextGen Consciousness in Action Awards
Every two years, IONS selects three people under 35 who are bringing noetic perspectives to the world and presents them with the NextGen Consciousness in Action Awards.
Discover the Future of Meditation Research
Our research at IONS has identified meditation as one of the key practices for cultivating positive transformations in consciousness – the kinds that involve fundamental shifts in worldviews and ways of being that affect every aspect of daily life.
Mapping the Field of Subtle Energy Healing
This web resource serves as a selective literature review, highlighting the subtle energies and energy healing modalities that have been evaluated experimentally. It is intended that this resource will assist patients and health professionals to navigate the vast field of subtle energies and energy healing modalities for use in their personal and professional endeavors.
IONS Consciousness Transformation Model
Central to IONS research has been investigation into the phenomenon of transformations in consciousness—significant changes in the way that people perceive and shape their reality.
IONS Meditation Bibliography (1997-2013)
The IONS Meditation Bibliography
From 1997 to 2013, IONS developed and maintained an online bibliography of all published research on meditation. With the advent of Google Scholar and other easy-to-use scholarly search engines that are updated in real-time, we have retired the IONS Meditation Bibliography. If you would like to do a thorough search for all articles related to meditation, we suggest these search terms: “meditation” or “meditative” or “mindfulness” or “contemplative” or “centering prayer” or “nonduality” or “yoga” or “mantra.”

Introduction to Consciousness Research
As part of our NextGen training series, we have created webinar presentations from top researchers and leaders within the field of consciousness research, education, and application. Available free to all students of consciousness!