At the age of 24, David Lorimer pressed the “eject” button from his conventional career path in city merchant banking and set off on his quest for wisdom and deeper understanding of life. He arrived at Champagne Moet & Chandon in Epernay in the Autumn of 1976 with four boxes of books, combining reading with guiding visitors around the 18th century cellars. Since that time, he has devoted his life to education in the broadest sense.
On Friday, May 21, 2021, David Lorimer, writer, poet, lecturer and Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network was the guest speaker at our ConnectIONS Live free webinar “A Quest for Wisdom.” In this talk, David discusses the evolution of his philosophy for life, his quest for wisdom, and the main influences on his thinking, such as Albert Schweitzer, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Peter Deunov.
He shared the main themes of his book, A Quest for Wisdom: Inspiring Purpose on the Path of Life, including:
- Philosophy, meaning, and spirituality
- Consciousness, death, and transformation
- Responsibility, ethics, and society — the challenge of how we can live more harmoniously together
David hopes that people will be inspired, as Albert Schweitzer put it, in our task “to become more finely and deeply human” for the common good. Nothing less is required of us at this time.
This video is available to the public until Friday, May 28th. After that date, it will be available to IONS Members only.