
Noetic Signature™ Study Phase 1 Closing Soon!

January 8, 2020
Science Team

The Noetic Signature research study that began several months ago is nearing completion of its first phase, and the Science team at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, led by principal investigator Dr. Helané Wahbeh, wants to encourage eligible people who haven’t participated yet to share their experience.

At IONS, we hypothesize that ALL people have the ability to access information and energy not limited by space and time. And yet the way that people access and receive this information and energy manifests differently in each individual. We are terming this unique human quality a person’s noetic signature. The intention of this study is to explore the myriad ways this noetic signature works in people’s lives and attempt to categorize these experiences so we can assess and nurture them more effectively. This is Phase 1 of the Noetic Signature research study — the initial collection of individuals’ descriptions of how their noetic signature manifests for them. This data will then be analyzed using qualitative methods to establish common themes, and will lead to the development of a Noetic Signature Inventory.

Have you had an experience of accessing and/or expressing information or energy not limited by space and time? Are you over the age of 18? Then we’d love to hear from you!

This portion of the study consists of four open-ended questions about your experience, and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Several hundred people have participated already, and if you’ve had this type of experience your voice will be an important addition to the immense depth and diversity of the responses already received.

In the second phase of the study, another survey will test the Noetic Signature Inventory developed from the previous survey, while also collecting demographic information about participants. Whereas Phase 1 has the goal of 500 participants, the goal of Phase 2 is to collect information from 1000 participants. The information gathered will help us refine the Noetic Signature Inventory into a final form. A third survey, also with the goal of 1000 participants, will then test the final version of the Noetic Signature Inventory. And from there, the intention is to use this vast body of data to develop tools intended to nurture people’s noetic signature based on their own personal information and predilections.

Imagine a time when people looking to develop or refine these abilities have at their fingertips a curriculum specifically tailored to their own personal talents and background, and which helps these talents blossom more quickly and effectively. If you think this sounds like a rewarding endeavor we encourage you to share your own noetic signature experience, and thus help IONS deepen the sense of interconnectedness and transformation that will help move us forward.

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