Research Projects

Assessing Your Noetic Signature™: A Qualitative Study

Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR
Status: In Progress

There are lots of words to describe it… clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, psi, psychic, channeling, extended human capacities, anomalous information reception… the list goes on and on. And not many people feel comfortable talking about it.

At the Institute of Noetic Sciences, our guiding premise is that all things are interconnected and that embodying that awareness reveals information and energy not limited by space and time, and can profoundly amplify transformation, innovation, and well-being. We hypothesize that all people have the ability to access this type of information at some level, however, the way that people may access and express this information and energy is unique to them. We call the unique way each person receives and expresses that information and energy is called their noetic signature. Just as each snowflake is different and yet equal in its exquisite beauty, each individual’s noetic signature has inherent value and our noetic diversity can be collectively celebrated. The purpose of this study is to gather open-ended information about how people experience their noetic signature so we can assess it more effectively in the future.

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