
How to Channel

October 15, 2021
Helané Wahbeh, Director of Research

When people learn that I am a channeler as well as a scientist, they often ask me how to go about learning how to channel. I usually respond by sharing that there is no one right way to channel and it begins with intention.

Channeling is always available to you. I believe it is an innate human capacity that we can all access. The journey is to discover your own unique channeling or Noetic Signature™ and how to nurture it with love and kindness for yourself in the process.

Set the Intention

The first step is to set the intention that you would like to learn more about and develop your channeling capacity. Take stock of where you are in the moment. Have you ever had a channeling experience? If so, do they occur spontaneously or intentionally? Are you interested in being guided through learning with a community or would you like to learn on your own? Your answers to these questions will help you make choices about your next step. Everyone’s path to channeling is unique.

Be Receptive

One aspect to learning channeling is clear: you can’t force it. Channeling is most usually a receptive process. Usually, the more you try to make it happen the less successful you are. There are also ways to set up your mind, body, and environment to make them conducive to channeling. Consider personal development processes that clear traumatic or unhealthy patterns from your ego. Often channelers express that getting “me” or the ego out of the way creates easier channeling. Many indigenous and spiritual traditions also include grounding or protection rituals as part of channeling sessions. I cover these steps in greater detail in my my book, The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All.

Bring It Into Your Daily Life

Often channeling happens spontaneously, too. You can also channel at any time, for any reason, about anything. Being aware and intentful for how open or closed you are to channeling in your daily life can bring insight to your everyday choices and also help you manage your energy. Rarely, there are side effects from channeling and you can learn ways to support yourself so you can experience channeling in a healthful and balanced way. In general, people report that channeling is good for them and positively impacts their lives. People also find that they can use their channeling to not only positively support themselves but others as well, allowing them to be of service to their communities.

Where are you on your channeling path? What steps would support you the most to use it to improve your personal, family, and broader communities?

If you would like to take a deeper dive into the world of channeling, you can order my book, The Science of Channeling. In it, we’ll explore the compelling research around channeling, how to discover your own abilities, and the practical application of these abilities.


Curious to learn more about channeling? Take a deep dive into The Science of Channeling through our new online course! A part of the IONS Channeling Research Program, this self-paced program sheds light on experiences we call “channeling” — the process of revealing information and energy not limited by space and time.

In this course, you will explore the latest scientific evidence for channeling phenomena, looking at research questions such as “Is channeling real?” and “Is it a mental health concern?” Join IONS Director of Research, Helané Wahbeh, as she reveals the fascinating research on this common phenomenon which we are just coming to understand!

Learn More & Register

About the Author

Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCRHelané Wahbeh, ND, MCR, is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Wahbeh is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician and research trained with a Master of Clinical Research and two post-doctoral research fellowships. She has published on and spoken internationally about her studies on complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, extended human capacities, stress, posttraumatic stress disorder and their relationships to physiology, health, and healing. Dr. Wahbeh is especially known for her research around — and noetic approach to — channeling.

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