Are you heading into 2022 with the impulse to create deep and meaningful impact?
At IONS we have been connecting with people around the globe who are feeling called to create transformation — for themselves, their families, communities, and the world at large.
2022 might be your year to bring a moonshot to fruition!
A moonshot is a dream or vision that you want to bring forth into material reality to benefit yourself, your community, humanity, the planet, and perhaps even beyond.
Calling Forth Your Moonshot
We invite you to take a moment now to contemplate a goal or moonshot that you would like to bring to life in 2022. You can close your eyes if you want and bring an image of a potential moonshot to mind. You may already have a clear sense of your moonshot, or you may simply feel a calling or desire to make a personal or global transformation.
Take a moment now to breathe into whatever comes up for you — any symbols, images, words, sensations in your body, thoughts in your mind… Simply be open to whatever arises for you.
If nothing in particular comes to you in the moment, that’s ok! Be on the lookout throughout the day or week to see what may bubble up for you. You may be delightfully surprised at what arises!
Possibility Accelerator Experience
Starting January 2022
Online workshop includes:
- Video curriculum
- An interactive exploration guide
- Curated resources
- Live Q&A webinars
- Community discussion forum
- And bonus materials!
We offer this brief experiential noetic practice to support your dreams for a better world for all. If you’d like to continue to explore your moonshot in a supportive community of like-minded seekers, join us for the Possibility Accelerator Experience (PAE) — an online workshop designed to guide you in creating any personal or collective transformation — launching in January 2022!
The PAE workshop will provide you with research-based tools and practices to explore how you can tap into noetic energy and information in ways that can lead to innovations to create a better world. And your moonshot — the vision you seek to put forth — can be part of that new reality.
We cannot wait to see the transformations that unfold!
Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.Marianne Williamson