
Explore Your Noetic Signature™ Through Guided Meditation

May 3, 2021
Nina Fry-Kizler, Senior Designer, Experiential Programs

In this blog series, we are highlighting the practices that our IONS staff members use to connect to noetic information and energy. In April, Helané Wahbeh, IONS Director of Research, and Nina Fry-Kizler, Senior Designer of the Experience Department, hosted a free ConnectIONS Live webinar, The Noetic Signature™ Revealed, in which they presented the Phase II results of the Noetic Signature™ study and a guided meditation for participants to explore their own individual Noetic Signature™. After the webinar, we received so much feedback and requests for a recorded version of the Noetic Signature guided meditation that we decided to create a re-recorded and remastered version!

To set the context for this meditation experience we’d like to share with you what we have discovered so far in our Noetic Signature™ research. The IONS Guiding Hypothesis is that:

All things are interconnected and embodying that awareness reveals information and energy not limited by space and time, and can profoundly amplify transformation, innovation, and well-being.

We propose that all people can access this “noetic” information and energy — that which is not limited by space and time. People use many different words to describe their experiences of accessing or expressing noetic information such as clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, psi, psychic, channeling, extended human capacities, anomalous information reception, among others. However, the way people access and receive this information and energy is unique to them — we call this their Noetic Signature™. Just as each snowflake is different, and yet equal in its exquisite beauty, each individual’s Noetic Signature™ has inherent value and our noetic diversity can be collectively celebrated!

The 13-minute Noetic Signature guided meditation below will support you in opening your inner pathways to noetic information and energy and explore your unique Noetic Signature™. You can engage as lightly or as deeply with the meditation imagery as feels comfortable to you and you may want to have some paper and something to write with nearby to integrate the experience at the end.

Begin by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down for the next few minutes and when you are ready, press play!

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Share your experience! Below is a space for discussion, comments, and anything you’d like to share with us and the IONS community about your inner exploration during the Noetic Signature™ guided meditation.

A replay of the entire ConnectIONS Live webinar, The Noetic Signature™ Revealed, is available to IONS Members to watch at any time. Not a Member yet? Learn more about IONS Membership!

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