
Transformative, Noetic, and Transpersonal Experiences During Personal Development Workshops

September 1, 2022
Arnaud Delorme, PhD, Cassandra Vieten, PhD, Dean Radin, PhD, Garret Yount, PhD, Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR

Wahbeh, Helané; Vieten, Cassandra; Young, Garret; Cartry-Jacobsen, Agnes; Radin, Dean; and Delorme, Arnaud, “Transformative, Noetic, and Transpersonal Experiences During Personal Development Workshops” (2022). International Journal of Transpersonal Studies Advance Publication Archive. 47.


The global personal development market was valued at $38.28 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow an additional 5% from 2020 to 2027. Many of these workshops promise to be transformational. This secondary analysis study examined transformative, transpersonal, and noetic aspects of personal development workshops. We found that 74% of post-survey records endorsed that participants experienced a moment of clarity or profound insight during their workshop. In addition, 66% endorsed that participants had experienced at least one noetic experience, and 84% endorsed at least one transpersonal experience. These analyses provide preliminary evidence for the transformational potential of personal development workshops and the common occurrence of transpersonal and noetic experiences across various workshop types.

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