
Plausibility, statistical interpretations, physical mechanisms and a new outlook: Response to commentaries on a precognition review

January 1, 2018
Dean Radin, PhD

Mossbridge, J. A., & Radin, D. (2018). Plausibility, statistical interpretations, physical mechanisms and a new outlook: Response to commentaries on a precognition review. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 5(1), 110–116.


We address what we consider to be the main points of disagreement by showing that (a) scientific plausibility (or lack thereof) is a weak argument in the face of empirical data, (b) the statistical methods we used were sound according to at least one of several possible statistical positions, and (c) the potential physical mechanisms underlying precognition could include quantum biological phenomena. We close with a discussion of what we believe is an unfortunate but currently dominant tendency to focus on reducing Type-I statistical errors without balancing that approach by also paying attention to the potential for Type-II errors.

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