Grandchamp, R., Delorme, A. (2009) NeuroTRIP: a Neurofeedback experiment design platform using Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity. 2009 Fifth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS, indexed in IEEE), Nov. 29 2009-Dec. 4 2009, 451-457.
Within the field of Brain Computer Interface, the sub-field of Neurofeedback that consists in training subjects to control specific brain rhythms is gaining momentum. Spatial filtering of brain source activities using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) may help subjects to specifically train specific brain regions. Here we propose an integrated platform built on top of two Open Source software namely BCI2000 and EEGLAB, to design and run source-based ICA Neurofeedback experiments. Our public software NeuroTRIP (Neurofeedback TRaining Ica Program) automates the sequence of procedure necessary to train a computer program to recognize brain sources and apply this training to isolate these sources in real time and provide feedback to subjects. In addition to provide an innovative technique for EEG Brain Machine Interface protocols, it will offer a flexible open source tool to conduct controlled experiments on neurotherapy methodology and results.