
An Exploration of the Associations Between Meditation, Extended Human Capacities and Synchronistic Experiences

March 11, 2024
Garret Yount, PhD, Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR
Butzer, B., Kriegsman, M., Yount, G., & Wahbeh, H. (2024). An Exploration of the Associations Between Meditation, Extended Human Capacities and Synchronistic Experiences. World Futures80(2), 133–152.


The study’s aim was to explore the associations between meditation, extended human capacities, and synchronistic experiences. 725 participants completed questionnaires and online tasks assessing these variables before and after engaging in personal growth workshops. The results showed that 1) meditators scored higher than non-meditators on noetic experiences and beliefs, and pre-workshop synchronistic experiences; 2) meditation frequency was associated with higher noetic experiences and beliefs, and pre-workshop synchronistic experiences; 3) meditation-based workshop participants reported more synchronistic experiences during their workshop than non-meditation-based workshop participants; and 4) noetic experiences mediated the association between meditation frequency and pre-workshop synchronistic experiences.

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