Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD, has spent his life developing “metaintegral” approaches to the fields of ecology and animal consciousness, mixed-methods research, integral psychology, philosophy of science, holistic education, and new post-capitalist models of measuring social impact. For the last four years he has been applying everything he has learned over the last 30 years in these contexts to developing this new field of exo studies. Exo studies is an emerging integrative metafield exploring the psychological, sociological, and scientific implications of the UFO phenomena in all its empirical and mysterious facets Sean is very passionate about using integral methods to expand our understanding about the big mysterious universe we live in. Thus, exo studies is committed to producing new metaviews of what it means to be living in a multidimensional multiverse. Sean is Dean of Integral Education, and Integral Noetic Sciences (INS) Program Director at California Institute for Human Science. The INS program offers a very unique optional concentration in Anomalous Studies, which includes extraordinary experiences such as encounters with UFO and Non-human Intelligences. As a result this accredited graduate program is the first of its kind to engage the relationship between consciousness and UAP studies.