JJ. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. Founders of The Academy for Future Science. They are social scientists, archaeologists and founders of The Academy For Future Science, an international NGO. They have researched ancient sites around the world and were principal members of the Schor Expedition that discovered the “Tomb of Osiris” in 1997 on the Giza Plateau, using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and sonar in their investigation of this deepest man-made chamber on the Giza Plateau. They have also worked in the pyramids of Mexico carrying out archaeoacoustic testing. They are authors of numerous books and articles on topics ranging from the analysis of ancient Egyptian texts to modern physics. Dr. J.J. Hurtak also wrote the best-seller, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and together, they have written numerous books including Sound, Giza’s Industrial Complex and Mind Dynamics in Space and Time to name a few.