Press Release

Institute of Noetic Sciences Reveals Esteemed Lineup for BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action

Explore new paradigms with IONS and Deepak Chopra, Avi Loeb, Ken Wilber, Lynne Twist, Bruce Damer, and more at IONS’ virtual conference.

NOVATO, California – May 2, 2024 – The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is thrilled to announce its highly anticipated conference, “BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action“, set to take place virtually May 30 – June 2, 2024. This transformative event will bring together leading researchers, scholars, and visionaries to delve into the latest research and profound mysteries of human consciousness, and its implications for personal and global transformation. While it’s IONS’ first virtual conference, allowing people from all over the world to participate live, it will be the 19th conference in IONS’ storied 50-year history.

Featured presenters joining IONS leadership include long-time IONS supporters Deepak Chopra, Pachamama’s Lynne Twist, Charles Eisenstein, Bruce Damer, Suzanne Giesemann, Shamini Jain and more. Reaching beyond IONS’ usual community, it will also include Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb and Harvard physicist Anita Goel, Integral Philosopher Ken Wilber, Neurotheology’s Andrew Newberg and the new IONS President, Thomas Brophy. Experimentalist Gerard Senahi will inspire a sense of wonder and imagination as he demonstrates things that shouldn’t be possible under the current materialist paradigm. 

IONS scientists Dean Radin, Helané Wahbeh, Arnaud Delorme, Garrett Yount, and Cédric Cannard will present their latest research and introduce the finalists for IONS’ 2024 Linda G. O’Bryant Noetic Sciences Research Prize.

 “BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action” will focus on the four themes of extraordinary human capacities, nonlocal consciousness, global mind change in action, and experiential explorations. We will also explore how nonlocal consciousness connects with topics ranging from Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), artificial intelligence (AI), environmental collapse/climate, the use of psychedelics for healing, and the foundations of science.

Throughout the event, Calls to Action and Paths to Participation will be shared to help create a global mind change movement. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with the IONS global community, comprising over 65 countries, through roundtable discussions, one-on-one networking, interactive exhibitor booths and much more.

“Apollo 14 astronaut and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Capt. Edgar Mitchell founded IONS to discover the science behind the savikalpa samãdhi experience he had in space while returning home from the moon in which he perceived no “other”, according to IONS Board Chair and Interim CEO Claudia Welss. “He knew that bridging the divide between inner and outer space was crucial to our survival, and was the next necessary step in our collective evolution. The state of our world today demands this reconciliation.” 

To see the full presenter lineup and to register for the conference, please visit the IONS website at

About IONS
The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a nonprofit scientific research center and direct experience lab specializing in the intersection of science and profound human experience. Founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell, IONS is dedicated to exploring the frontiers of consciousness and extended human capacities to promote a more holistic view of human potential and the nature of reality. For more information, visit

Leslie Lovejoy 


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