Transformation Begins in the Imagination
Around the globe, individuals are awakening to a recognition of the deep interconnection that forms the foundation of reality. And more and more of us are responding to the seeming limitations of our current circumstances with innovative ideas and solutions, offering the gifts that are ours to give — our time, our creativity, and our hearts.
These inner calls for transformation — of impactful changes for ourselves, our communities, and the world — can be described as moonshots. Moonshots ask us to stretch, to access inner resources we may not know we possess and to reach beyond the seeming boundaries. Most importantly, moonshots build bridges to an inspiring new reality.
Do you have a dream that wants to come to life? A creative endeavor, a personal inner shift, or a passion project that is primed to burst forth into the world? You may not know exactly what it is, and yet have a persistent urge to do something. That may well be a moonshot calling you.
We invite you to get clear about YOUR moonshot
This Possibility Accelerator Experience is an online workshop designed to guide you in exploring and energizing your moonshot. This research-based program focuses on noetic concepts, tools, and practices to support you in creating any personal or collective transformation.
In this workshop, you will:
- Define, explore and energize your personal moonshot vision.
- Enhance your conscious awareness of the interconnected whole and learn to use it more skillfully in your life.
- Identify noetic tools and practices to support your moonshot vision (and other aspects of your life).
- Formulate a process and ignite a spark that will help you move this vision into a reality.
- Understand your own unique Noetic Signature™ and use it to support your progress towards your moonshot.