Make-A-Will Month with IONS: Finding Peace of Mind and Empowerment

August is National Make-A-Will Month and IONS is hosting a free virtual event on will and estate planning on Wednesday, August 28th, 11am Pacific time! Join attorney Aquanetta Betts to learn the process for ensuring your loved ones are cared for after you are gone, and find out how you can support the causes you care about through the power of a planned future gift.

Make-A-Will Month with IONS: Finding Peace of Mind and Empowerment
Wednesday, August 28th
11:00am – 12:00pm PDT


Please register even if you can’t attend live and you’ll receive an email with a link to the recording.


Aquanetta Betts, JD, CAP®, AEP®, CFRE
Aquanetta Betts is the Director of Planned Giving at George Mason University. Prior to Mason, she was the Senior Executive Director of Planned Giving at World Vision (Eastern U.S.). Before World Vision, Aquanetta was an estate planning attorney in DC and Maryland. She is the Immediate Past President of the Chesapeake Planned Giving Council and serves on the board of the Baltimore Estate Planning Council. She serves in leadership positions with the National Bar Association’s RPTE Section, the International Association of Advisors in Philanthropy, and the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners as a board member, and DEI Committee chair.


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Energy Mastery: Uniting Health and Spiritual Growth

ConnectIONS Live!

“Energy Mastery: Uniting Health and Spiritual Growth” is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey that bridges the gap between physical health and spiritual well-being.

This free ConnectIONS Live webinar provides a valuable opportunity to explore the ancient wisdom of Qigong and its relevance in today’s fast-paced world. 

By mastering the art of energy healing, individuals can unlock their full potential, achieving a state of balance, harmony, and profound personal growth by coming home to our heart, body and soul. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to join us as we experience Qigong.

Energy Mastery: Uniting Health and Spiritual Growth
Friday, July 19th
11:00am – 12:00pm PDT


All registrants will receive a link to the recording. Please register even if you can’t attend live.


Master Mingtong Gu, sharing ancient wisdom for our modern age, offers a transformative path bridging health and spirituality. As the celebrated founder of The Chi Center and Wisdom Healing Qigong, he is honored as Qigong Master of the Year by the 13th World Congress for Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine. His teachings, rich in authenticity and joy, guide students to unlock their healing capabilities and awaken their highest potential. His retreat center, a serene 79-acre land south of Santa Fe, NM, stands as a testament to his vision of a harmonious connection between the heaven and earth.

Learn more about Master Mingtong’s profound work at The Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong by visiting, where the journey towards inner peace, health, and transformation begins. Under his guidance, embrace the practices that integrate ancient Qigong wisdom with modern-day insights, fostering a vibrant community that supports each other in the collective pursuit of well-being and spiritual fulfillment.

Register for free

Lucid Dreaming and Living Lucidly: Gateway to the Inner Self

A four-week online workshop with support and guidance provided by acclaimed author, lucid dreamer, and teacher Robert Waggoner.

This workshop speaks to all explorers of lucid dreaming – from the inexperienced beginner to those who have ventured far along the path. While giving you sound foundational materials, it offers insight far beyond lucid dreaming basics. It’s for the lucid dream explorer, the adventurers and the curious, who seek to understand this fascinating state of being and to access a larger awareness of the consciousness for growth, insight and transformation.

With the guidance of a lucid dreaming expert with many decades of experience, this workshop will help you to:

  • Practice lucid dreaming incubation techniques in a supportive environment
  • Discover how to maintain and prolong your lucid dreams
  • Learn effective techniques for exploring and consciously relating to lucid dream symbols and energy
  • Resolve personal issues and blockages while aware in the subconscious
  • Lucidly access your own Inner Muse and wake with creative gifts
  • Experiment with the boundaries of your larger Self’s knowing
  • Incorporate mental techniques from lucid dreaming into your daily life to elevate creativity and confidence
  • Learn how to open pathways to inner information, whether dreaming, lucid dreaming or waking
  • Seek spiritual knowledge and insight by experimenting with time/space, esoteric ideas and spiritual practices while lucid dreaming
  • Realize the Oneness – the interconnected nature of consciousness

Lucid Dreaming and Living Lucidly: Gateway to the Inner Self
July 27 – August 25, 2024

This workshop is produced and hosted by our friends at GlideWing, and offered in partnership with IONS.


Qigong Intensives: Healing & Awakening 2024 Fall Retreats

Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical & Emotional Healing – Part 1

Healing and Awakening Retreats with Master Mingtong Gu are the most focused and in-depth Qigong healing Retreats offered to people facing health and wellbeing challenges of all kinds: physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

This retreat will focus on releasing physical and emotional blockages throughout our cellular memory that are the source of dis-ease, discomfort, pain, and emotional challenges.

You will experience the movements, sounds, meditations, and visualizations of Wisdom Healing Qigong while engaging in intensive practice that opens your energy flow to deeper levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic healing. Receive direct energetic transmissions that help you absorb and assimilate the powerful teachings into embodied wisdom, that informs and transforms you on a cellular level.

The program starts at 5:40pm US Mountain Time on Tuesday, and will wrap up at 3:00pm on Sunday.  Your final day will be unique and special, as you will become treated to The Chi Center’s weekly Magical Sunday programming, with brunch, special activities, live music by the pond.

This Retreat is suitable for all levels — beginning to advanced.

Healing Intensive Retreat For Physical & Emotional Healing – Part 2

This Retreat will focus on Mental, Emotional, and Physical energy flow to release energetic blockages that can become the source of dis-ease, discomfort, pain, and emotional challenges.

Master Mingtong will work intensively with Sound Healing, the 3-A’s practice, as well as intermediate-level practices that expand the spiritual dimension of life. You will learn and experience Pure Consciousness practices that open your heart and soul to the inner truth within.

You will experience the movements, sounds, meditations, and visualizations of Wisdom Healing Qigong while engaging in intensive practice that opens your energy flow to deeper levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic healing. Receive direct energetic transmissions that help you absorb and assimilate the powerful teachings into embodied wisdom, that informs and transforms you on a cellular level.

The program starts at 5:40pm US Mountain Time on Tuesday, and will wrap up at 3:00pm on Sunday.  Your final day will be unique and special, as you will become treated to The Chi Center’s weekly Magical Sunday programming, with brunch, special activities, live music by the pond.

This Retreat is suitable for all levels — beginning to advanced — and is ideal for Wisdom Healing Qigong Coaches and Facilitators.  If your primary challenges are healing your physical challenges, it it highly recommended that you attend both Part 1 and Part 2 of the Fall 2024 Retreats for the best results.

Qigong Intensives: Healing & Awakening 2024 Fall Retreats
Part 1
October 1-6 2024

Part 2
October 8-13 2024


Galisteo, New Mexico (Also Online)


There will also be an Advanced Practices Retreat, which you can learn more about on Chi Center’s website.

Noetic Global Gathering – Meditation Mixer: What’s Your Style?

IONS Member Event!

IONS members, check your email for your invitation link!
To become a member and join this event, see below.

Regular meditation practice has many well-documented benefits, including physical and mental health. Additionally, it can help us connect to noetic information and energy that is not bound by space and time. Despite the well-documented benefits, survey findings indicate that only 14% of adults in the US  have practiced some form of meditation. That suggests that approximately 86% have either never attempted to meditate or have tried but didn’t stick with it. It seems a lot of people are missing out on some pretty great benefits!

What the 86% may not know is that meditation comes in many forms. While some people are drawn to a traditional approach — such as sitting and silently focusing on your breath — for others, a different path is needed. And there are many options to choose from! 

In our upcoming members’ hour, we’ll learn about the range of meditation options that can make meditation enjoyable and help support a sustainable practice. We’ll try a few techniques so you can begin to see what the best “fit” for you may be. We’ll also have time to connect with like-minded noetic explorers to share with and learn from each other.

Meditation Mixer: What’s Your Style?
Friday, May 3rd
11:00am – 12:00pm PDT

IONS members, check your email for your invitation link! 

PLEASE NOTE: In response to requests, we will record the presentation segments of this session — excluding breakouts and group discussion —  and upload the video to our website’s Media for Members section the following week.


Become a member today! If you join by Sunday, April 28, you will receive a Global Gathering invitation to this event in your email the following Wednesday. As a member, not only will you support pioneering consciousness research and programs, but you’ll also have access to an extensive media library, exclusive content, and members-only webinars — such as our Noetic Global Gathering! Learn more.

Noetic Global Gathering – A Manifesting Sampler

IONS Member Event!

Can thoughts influence physical reality? The science says yes!

Many decades of IONS research have helped to establish that our thoughts and intentions do indeed interact with, and to some degree shape, material reality. “Manifesting” —  bringing about positive outcomes through thought or belief — is making news these days, with even major outlets such as the New York Times reporting on the topic.

In our upcoming members hour, we’ll set the stage with a few fun stories of IONS staff experiences with the power of intention, explore several techniques used for manifesting, and have both small and large group discussions where you can hear from like-minded noetic explorers and share a bit about your own experiences and thoughts on the topic.

Noetic Global Gathering – A Manifesting Sampler
Friday, March 22nd
11:00am – 12:00pm PDT

IONS members, check your email for your invitation link! PLEASE NOTE: In response to requests, we will record this session — excluding the small group breakout and large group discussion —  and upload the video to our website’s Media for Members section the following week.

And if you are not yet a member,  become a member today! If you join by Sunday, March 17, you will receive your Global Gathering invitation in your email the following Wednesday. As a member, not only will you be supporting pioneering consciousness research and programs, you’ll also have access to an extensive media library, exclusive content, and members-only webinars, such as our Noetic Global Gathering!

We hope to see you there!

Gaia Emersion 2024

From Metamorphasis to Mastery

Discover your energetic gifts in navigating this time of evolving consciousness.

Life is changing quickly, and as we collectively awaken to new levels of awareness, many of us seek practical tools to navigate this unfolding journey and evoke the lives we sense are waiting for us. Join us for an immersive journey of personal evolution at Gaia’s third annual Emersion Conference, where renowned experts like Lee Holden, Maureen St. Germain, and Ibrahim Karim will guide you to recognize your evolving gifts and unlock your fullest potential.

Learn how to activate Akashic consciousness to access higher levels of wisdom and thrive during these rapid shifts. Explore the science of BioGeometry, utilizing shape, sound, color, and motion to balance your energy field. Discover how it fosters a connection to higher spiritual dimensions, promotes harmony, and revitalizes your essential link to the life force within you. Plus, learn how to transform stress into vitality, navigate karmic cycles with finesse, and leverage principles of neuroplasticity to reinvent yourself and manifest your best life.

The Emersion Conference is your invitation to transcend, evolve, and embrace the extraordinary possibilities within and around you. In person tickets sold out!

Gaia Emersion Conference
March 16-26 2024


Notes of Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness and Being

ConnectIONS Live!

Complexity theory provides a unique way of understanding the processes whereby the universe gives rise to living, conscious beings and, indeed, may be considered living and conscious foundationally and its totality. 

This talk will move from using complexity to weave together contemporary understandings of biology, chemistry, and physics (including relativity and quantum mechanics) to perspectives on how consciousness and our universe are related.  Insights from contemplative spiritual practices – wherein the mind examines itself – will be included.

Co-hosted by the Scientific and Medical Network

Notes of Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness and Being
Friday, April 19th
11:00am – 12:00pm PST


All registrants will receive a link to the recording. Please register even if you can’t attend live.


Neil Theise, MD, is a professor of pathology at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Through his scientific research, he has been a pioneer of adult stem cell plasticity and the anatomy of the human interstitium. Dr. Theise’s studies in complexity theory have led to interdisciplinary collaborations in fields such as integrative medicine, consciousness studies, and science-religion dialogue. He comes from a spiritual background of devotional Jewish practices, is a Senior Student at the Village Zendo in NYC, and has been initiated into shamanic practice.


David LorimerDavid Lorimer is a writer, lecturer, poet, and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network, and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. He has also been editor of Paradigm Explorer since 1986 and completed his 100th issue in 2019. He is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as TransitionResonant Mind (originally Whole in One), The Spirit of ScienceThinking Beyond the Brain, and Radical Prince about the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales. He is the originator of the Inspiring Purpose Values Poster Programmes, which has reached over 350,000 young people. He is also Chair of the Galileo Commission which seeks to widen science beyond a materialistic worldview. Visit his website to learn more.

Register for free

Driving with Intuition: Advancing Intuition Research Through Virtual Reality

ConnectIONS Live!

Join us for an insightful free webinar with IONS Senior Research Associate Cédric Cannard, PhD, where we’ll explore the exciting potential of virtual reality (VR) in advancing intuition research. 

Despite consistent findings in past intuition research studies, translating these effects into real-world applications has proven challenging due to the limitations of traditional research environments. 

In this talk, Cedric will discuss a new study conducted at IONS’ cutting-edge laboratory called “Driving with Intuition”, and share about how you can participate in this groundbreaking research. Using innovative technology to measure brain, heart, and eye activity in a virtual driving environment, the study aims to develop a sensitive and reliable measure of intuition with practical implications. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to join us as we delve into this promising research and its potential to revolutionize our understanding of intuition.

Driving with Intuition: Advancing Intuition Research Through Virtual Reality
Friday, March 1st
11:00am – 12:00pm PST


All registrants will receive a link to the recording. Please register even if you can’t attend live.


Cédric Cannard, PhD, completed a Bachelor in Sports Science and an MSc in Neuropsychology and Clinical Neuroscience. During his MSc, he worked on brain atrophies in Schizophrenia (Magnetic Resonance Imagery; MRI) at the “Imaging and Therapeutical Strategies in Cerebral and Tumoral Pathologies” Research unit (ISTCT, Caen, France), and then on brain oscillations (electroencephalography; EEG) underlying color vision and perception at the “Cente de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition” laboratory (CerCo, Toulouse, France).

In early 2022, Cédric completed his PhD in Neuroscience co-funded by the CerCo (CNRS, Toulouse, France) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS, California), under the co-supervision of Drs Helane Wahbeh and Arnaud Delorme, focusing on well-being, advanced EEG methods, and on collecting large EEG datasets in real-world settings using wearable neurotechnology.

Since then, he has joined the IONS Science team as Sr. Research Associate, working at the intersection between biosignal analysis (EEG, ECG, PPG, EDA, EGG), developing open-source tools (e.g., the BrainBeats toolbox), wearable neurotechnologies, well-being, altered states of consciousness, and psi.

Register for free

BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action

For the past 50 years, IONS has been leading the world in researching the possibilities of consciousness. This moment demands that we put what we’ve learned into action, that we shift from “me” to “we” to address our global crises together. That’s why now more than ever, we need BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action.

Over four days, this historic virtual IONS gathering will bring together thousands of community members and thought leaders, including scientists, practitioners, and healers to explore the individual and collective paths available to shift global consciousness.

Together, we’ll journey beyond the material world, beyond separation, and beyond the limits of our current understanding toward healing, interconnectedness, innovation, and peace.

What’s Possible?

As our consciousness research moves beyond space and time, it only feels natural to scale up our conference to become a global event bound by neither. We look forward to gathering our community members from more than 65 countries on our easy-to-use digital platform. Our new possibilities include:

  • A globally curated lineup of noetic topics, including mind-expanding science and experiential options with powerful researchers, teachers, and practitioners
  • An accessible online exhibition hall that allows people of every ability to explore and meet facilitators and entrepreneurs in the world of consciousness exploration
  • An unprecedented number of interactive breakout sessions with renowned presenters
  • Expanded one-on-one networking and conversations with fellow explorers from our international community
  • Deep connections, new friends, and endless inspiration, all from the comfort of your home

BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action
May 30 – June 2, 2024
Registration opens March 19th. Mark your calendar!

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