Entangled Minds and Matter with Dean Radin

Methods for investigating mind-matter interactions were proposed by Sir Francis Bacon at the very origins of empiricism over three centuries ago. Systematic scientific studies began about a century ago.

In this talk, IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin will briefly review the modern experimental literature on “psychokinetic” effects. He will then present in more detail experiments he has conducted involving random physical systems based on quantum indeterminacy, photon polarization, scattering, and entanglement, the molecular structure of water, growth of plants and stem cells in vitro, and influences on human mood and physiology.

Dean will also discuss the epistemological challenges in conducting these kinds of studies, as well as the practical and philosophical implications of mind-matter entanglements.

The session is live, and you will be sent the RECORDING.

Entangled Minds and Matter with Dean Radin
March 4, 2023,
9:00am – 11:00am PST

This event is hosted by the Pari Center. Please visit their website for more information.



Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling: Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses

You might know someone who channels. Perhaps you feel divinely guided by your own intuition.

Sometimes, you just know something, and even though you’re not sure about the source of this wisdom, you feel strongly that you have access to a Truth.

These innate impressions feel real, but how do we know —  for certain — if they actually are?  And, how common are these experiences?

Recent scientific research points to the validity of channeling and intuitive experiences — and supports techniques that can help you improve your channeling capacity and build more trust and confidence in your own intuition.

Many of us feel we need to rely on someone else to access channeled wisdom. That doesn’t have to be the case.

This wisdom already lives within you.

IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh proposes that everyone can channel — in a way that is unique to them.

You’ll hear and learn much more when you join Helané for this empowering free online event, in which she’ll reveal the latest scientific research on channeling phenomena, shedding light on questions such as “How common is channeling?” and “What is the evidence that channeling is real?”

Helané will then guide you to explore your own capacity to connect with information and energy beyond space and time and help you enhance that connection.

You’ll discover that when you are in a quiet, still space, you can tune in to the contraction and expansion within and find answers to deep questions through intuition.

Register for this replay to tune in and receive a recording!

Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling: Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses (Replay event)
February 11, 2023,
5:00pm – 6:00pm PST

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit their website for more information.



How We Change and Why We Don’t: The Art and Science of Transformation

Have you ever worked hard to make a change, only to find yourself slipping back into old habits? Want to supercharge your ability to stimulate behavior change in others when it comes to the issues you care about the most? Is it time to break free from old patterns and build your next chapter? This workshop is for people in the process of change and those who work as change agents with individuals, groups, and organizations and in society.

Through dialogue, experiential practice, and creative process, we will bridge the science of breakthroughs with indigenous, religious, spiritual, and secular models of transformation. You will:

  • Learn what works and what doesn’t to inspire lasting change in yourself and others.
  • Explore how peak experiences, a-ha! moments and awe can stimulate change.
  • Examine how we and those we work with can get stuck or lost, and find ways to shake free from periods of inertia or patterns that prevent us from moving forward.
  • Investigate the transformative potential of pain, hitting bottom, and post-traumatic growth.
  • Delve into stories, symbols, and metaphors of transformation to guide your path.

Join IONS Fellow Cassandra Vieten, PhD, for this transformational exploration of our most deeply entrenched behaviors. Learn how to break free from the patterns that no longer serve you — and create new habits that will change your life.

Recommended reading: Schlitz, Vieten and Amorok, Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life.

How We Change and Why We Don’t: The Art and Science of Transformation
January 2-6, 2023

This workshop is hosted by the Esalen Institute. Please visit their website for more information.


Love & Time: Two Great Healers

Join The Institute for Love and Time (TILT) for their Inaugural Love and Time Conference, Love & Time: Two Great Healers, a rapid-fire deep dive into the psychology, neuroscience, and physics of unconditional love and mental time travel – how they can heal trauma and support thriving.

This event features IONS Fellow Dr. Julia Mossbridge as she MC’s the world’s first conference focused on the healing aspects of Love and Time. With 14 speakers including IONS Fellows Michael Sapiro, PsyD, and Cassandra Vieten, PhD, and Keynote Dr. Lisa Miller from Columbia University speaking about the impact of spirituality on the brain. The conference will be a deep dive into unconditional love, mental time travel, and healing.

All ticket sales and donations go towards continuing the work of The Institute for Love and Time. Donations are appreciated. However, if you cannot afford the suggested $25 donation price, please join for free.

Love & Time: Two Great Healers
December 2, 2022
1:00pm – 4:15pm PST

This event is hosted by The Institute for Love and Time (TILT). Please visit their website for more information.


Awakened Campus Global Conference

The global state of mind — mental or psychological health — is in urgent and indisputable need of transformation, according to the World Health Organization’s 2022 worldwide report. Symptoms of hopelessness, depression, despair, addiction, suicide, and substance abuse are at alarming levels, and rising at alarming rates. In 2021, the United States Surgeon General issued a formal public health Advisory on this issue: generating awareness for the mental health crisis particularly among the population most vulnerable to severe suffering and disease, young adults and adolescents.

The Awakened Campus Global Conference convenes leading thinkers from universities around the world to speak on the discovery and application of a scientific, evidence-based solution — one that is equivalent to the world’s leading vaccine and offers the highest levels of prevention and protection against onset and development of severe disease. The administration of the “shot” for this “vaccine” against psychological disease in truth comes from a birthright within the human. We all are born, “hard wired” with an innate capacity to participate in and awaken to a transcendent relationship with a higher power (however one calls the ultimate loving, guiding life force) and feel this sacred presence in our relationship to fellow human beings and Earth.

Demonstrated across multiple levels of analysis (MRI, genotyping, epidemiology) and leading peer-reviewed published studies, Awakened Awareness to our natural, innate spirituality is not only robustly protective against disease, but central to our human nature for optimum thriving and wholeness.

Invited speakers include IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, MS, PhD, IONS Fellows Julia Mossbridge, PhD and Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, as well as other incredible speakers from USA, Europe, and India. They will present their experience and best practices in integrating spirituality in higher education and help to co-create projects with participating institutions in curriculum, research, and extracurriculum development areas, and facilitate the collaboration of faculty and university leaders to promote spiritual awareness in higher education and professional practices.

Awakened Campus Global Conference
November 29-30, 2022

This event is hosted by The Collaborative for Spirituality in Education. Please visit their website for more information.


Bioenergetics Summit

Bioenergetic therapy explores how body, mind, and spirit are connected. When you’re physically healthy, you’re better able to cope with stress and emotions… and when you’re emotionally and spiritually healthy, your body is better able to function properly. It’s part of what makes the upcoming BioEnergetics Summit so exciting

In this free event, you’ll hear from 30+ top doctors, researchers, New York Times bestselling authors, and more to show you exactly how to harness the power of BioEnergy to create the happiest, healthiest, and most abundant life you’ve always deserved.

Among the presenters is IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh, who will be discussing “The Noetic Signature: Our Individual Expression Of Non-Local Consciousness”. It will be an excellent opportunity to explore the state of science in energy medicine and the positive intention for healing.

For 7 days from Tuesday, November 1st through Monday, November 7th, you’ll have an access to 30+ interviews, each containing powerful insights on BioEnergy that you can apply to your own life INSTANTLY and EASILY.

Plus, when you register for free today, you’re also getting instant FREE access to several registration bonuses as a gift from our Summit speakers. But please hurry, these are only available while the Summit is airing live.

Bioenergetics Summit
November 1-7, 2022

This event is hosted by DrTalks. Please visit their website for more information.



Finding Inner Freedom: Shifting Paradigms to Become Who You Truly Are

Are you yearning to live your fullest life? Longing to connect with the truth of who you really are? Make the changes in your life that your Heart & Soul are calling for at Finding Inner Freedom.

Join this 5-day event with a diverse lineup of speakers, including IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh, as well as healers, therapists, shamans, and intuitive guides! They’ll share their wisdom, potent practices, sacred rituals, and FREE gifts to support & inspire you to connect with your inner wisdom & guidance, release old trauma, and SHIFT out of what is holding you back inside.

Through this event, you’ll be able to learn about ancestral connection & ancestral healing, tap into shamanic & indigenous wisdom for self-discovery, and relate to others more authentically. You will also have the chance to find out how channeling and knowing your noetic signature can improve your life

If you feel your Heart & Soul are calling you to Find Your Inner Freedom, this is the chance to make it happen!

Finding Inner Freedom: Shifting Paradigms to Become Who You Truly Are
November 7-11, 2022

This event is hosted by Julia Koki Kyambi. Please visit their website for more information.


Applied Precognition Project (APP) Fest 2022

Join the Applied Precognition Project for their annual conference– a long weekend and informal gathering of like-minded people who have a passion for applying their precognitive ability and want to hear and mingle with leaders in the field. Enjoy three days of presentations by renowned speakers, including IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, in live online webinars via Zoom.

This event will also feature the prediction of 6 events using Associative Remote Viewing with the training of Full Positive Feedback. Learn how to do ARV among friends or flex your skills for fun!

Early sign-ups for the APP Fest conference will receive the audiobook version of Sean McNamara’s “Mind Sight” as a bonus! Only a limited number of copies are available so act fast! 

Webinars from this online conference will only be available after the conference to registered participants.

Applied Precognition Project (APP) Fest 2022
October 21-23, 2022

This event is hosted by the Applied Precognition Project. Please visit their website for more information.


Waging Peace: Building Humanity’s Golden Peace

Waging Peace celebrates the extraordinary achievements of a multigenerational, global cohort of leaders, changemakers and wisdom keepers. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from IONS Founder Edgar Mitchell through exclusive video recordings. Learn from an impressive line-up of speakers, including Ervin Laszlo, Jane Goodall and many more, as they share their wisdom and strategies for action to secure a peaceful, sustainable future.

This experience delivers the message of our connection as a Human Community beyond the barriers of nation, belief, and race. It will be a timeless, organic performance with original music, multigenerational choirs, audience engagement, and the inspiration of extraordinary wisdom. You will have the opportunity to receive the tools needed to create your own Visioneer Leadership Circles to carry out good work projects, tell wonderful stories, and create positive solutions in your own community and the larger world.

Register free to be a part of this important event laying the foundation for Humanity’s Golden Peace. Invite your friends, colleagues, and mentors to join you to watch together.

Waging Peace
October 9, 2022 11:00 AM PDT
In-Person & Virtual

This event is presented by The International Foundation of Learning and The Visioneers International Network.
Please visit their website for more information.


Galileo Commission Summit V – Spiritual Awakenings Book Launch

Twenty-two scientists and academics, including IONS Helané Wahbeh, discuss how their earth-shattering experience of spiritual awakening changed their philosophical world-views and perceptions of reality, for the book launch of Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Share Their Experiences, edited by Marjorie Woollacott PhD and David Lorimer. Learn more about the book here.

The 57 essays in this volume are a wonderful and varied collection of personal insights into individual spiritual awakenings and the resulting transformation in the lives of scientists and academics. Scholars write about the experience of their own spiritual awakening and journey, including encountering challenges to their credibility in academia, if they shared these experiences. Their comments about transformation in values, beliefs, and approaches toward life are very moving, expressing deep inner wisdom and connection, not only with humanity but with the earth and cosmos.

The authors in this volume have shown the courage to ‘come out’ with a spiritual understanding of life-based on their own experiences despite the taboo against this in academia dominated by materialist philosophies of consciousness and reality.

They share the views of the great pioneering physicists such as Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Sir James Jeans, Arthur Eddington, Louis de Broglie, Erwin Schroedinger, and David Bohm that consciousness is fundamental – even primary – in our universe.

A Metaphysical Revolution is at hand and these authors are in the vanguard!

This unique event, which is hosted as a collaboration between the Scientific and Medical NetworkGalileo CommissionAcademy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences, and Institute of Noetic Sciences, is absolutely not to be missed!

Please note: -This event is donation-based, and you may register for free if you are not able to make a donation. However, if you can, we would greatly appreciate your contribution, which will continue to allow us to move forward with our mission. All proceedings from this event will go towards the cost of the website, audiobook, and publicity outreach to the mainstream.

Galileo Commission Summit V – Spiritual Awakenings Book Launch
September 24 – 25, 2022

This event is hosted by The Scientific and Medical Network. Please visit their website for more information.

Learn More and Register at Their Website

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