The Unification of Consciousness and Science: Doorway to the Future

Participate in the beginnings of a global paradigm shift!  

Join Thomas Campbell, renowned physicist and author of the My Big TOE trilogy, and other leaders (like IONS Senior Research Associate Cedric Cannard) in the field of science and consciousness for a groundbreaking exploration of science and consciousness. This exciting event will delve into the profound connection between the nature of reality and the human experience.

Campbell, known for his innovative theories that bridge the gap between physics and metaphysics, will share his unique perspective on the universe as a vast digital information field. Prepare to be challenged as he explores how consciousness interacts with this field, potentially explaining phenomena like remote viewing, near-death experiences, and consciousness’ role in the double-slit experiment.

Through thought-provoking presentations and interactive discussions, this event will leave you with a deeper understanding of your own consciousness and its role within the grander scheme of existence. Whether you’re a seasoned scientist, a curious explorer of the mind-body connection, or simply someone seeking new answers to the universe’s mysteries, this event promises a unique and thought-provoking journey!

The Unification of Consciousness and Science: Doorway to the Future
September 29 – October 3
Huntsville, Alabama

This event is hosted by the Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness (CUSAC). Please visit their website for more information.


Soul Science Summit

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your energetic soul self and transform your life?

The Soul Science Summit is designed to deliver a wealth of knowledge and practical tools, empowering you to create lasting positive change in all aspects of your life.

This groundbreaking FREE event brings together over 20 visionary experts, including IONS director of research Helané Wahbeh and senior designer Nina Fry-Kizler, to guide you on a profound journey of personal growth and awakening, as you learn how to:

  • Harness the infinite wisdom of your soul
  • Embrace your true power and potential
  • Transform & harmonize your relationships
  • Manifest your dream life with intention
  • Activate your innate healing abilities within
  • Deepen your intuitive connection for insight
  • Learn to channel universal insight

Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity that will empower you with the knowledge to elevate your consciousness, transform your reality, and unleash your inner energy master!


Soul Science Summit
June 24 – 28

This event is hosted by The Soul Alignment Coach. Please visit their website for more information.


“Exploring Consciousness: From Non-Duality to Non-Locality” Book Launch

A book launch is being held in New Delhi on April 5th for “Exploring Consciousness: From Non-Duality to Non-Locality”, an edited volume. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has very graciously contributed the preface for the book and IONS President Thomas Brophy is the author of a chapter in the book published by Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House.

This book is a compilation of contributions from 26 of the world’s leading academic, scientific and spiritual minds. It brings together some of the most eminent research and inventions in the area of physics, biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, quantum computing and allied fields as well as Indic spiritual and psychological disciplines to provide a holistic picture of the present and future of the study of consciousness and its implications.

The chief guest for the event is Dr. Karna Singh, Former Governor, Jammu and Kashmir, Dr. B.N. Gangadhar, Chairman (officiating), National Medical Commission is the guest of honour and the Keynote address will be delivered by Mr Come Carpentier, Distinguished Fellow, India Foundation.

Book Launch for “Exploring Consciousness: From Non-Duality to Non-Locality”
Friday, April 5
Tamarind Hall, India Habitat Centre
New Delhi, India

This event is hosted by the India Foundation. Please visit their website for more information.



21st Annual New Living Expo

21st Annual New Living Expo
A Journey to Wellness, Happiness, and Stress-Free Living
April 19 – 21, 2024
San Rafael, California

This event is hosted by New Living Expo. Please visit their website for more information.
Enter Discount Code ions24 for a FREE General Admission Pass!



The 30th Annual Science of Consciousness Conference

The Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences are the pre-eminent world gatherings on all approaches to the profound and fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience, a question which addresses who we are, the nature of reality and our place in the universe. TSC conferences have been held in Tucson since 1994, (every 2 years) and are recognized around the world. TSC International held its first conference in 1995 and continues in alternate years. TSC Conference is the world’s largest, longest running and premier interdisciplinary conference addressing the fundamental questions regarding consciousness, the brain, reality and existence, organized by the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona.

TSC Tucson is a 5-day gathering consisting of 4 Keynote Speakers, 26 Plenary presenters, 12 plenary sessions, 14 Concurrent Sessions, Poster and Exhibitor presentations, 10 workshops, Welcome Reception, Exhibitor receptions, Social and Wellness events. We anticipate that this conference will bring in over 400 scientists, philosophers, educations, academicians, students, meditators, artists and interested public and seekers from around the world.

A livestream of the Plenary Sessions will be made available for a considerably reduced registration option – to be announced.

The IONS Science Team will be presenting. IONS Scientist Arnaud Delorme, and IONS incoming CEO Thomas Brophy will be leading workshops at the conference.

The 30th Annual Science of Consciousness Conference
April 22 – 27
Tucson, Arizona

This event is hosted by the University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies. Please visit their website for more information.


Explore a Science-Based Framework for Manifesting Your Dreams

The Shift Network and IONS are partnering to invite you to join the new free event, Explore a Science-Based Framework for Manifesting Your Dreams: A Customizable Process to Amplify Your True Purpose & Live a Life of Passion & Possibility.

What if there were a science-based process of manifestation that we could apply to create more satisfaction, fulfillment, and purpose in our lives?

The good news is that IONS researchers and other leading-edge scientists are increasingly finding evidence that there may be key, repeatable principles that can help increase the efficacy of our intentions.

On Saturday, February 10th, an encore of Kerstin Sjoquist’s, MA, Director of Experience & Engagement, and Nina Fry-Kizler’s, MA, Senior Designer of Experiential Programs, special free online event with our partners at the Shift Network. In Explore a Science-Based Framework for Manifesting Your Dreams, you’ll learn the essential components of our unique and customizable manifestation process, the Possibility Accelerator Formula.

Kerstin and Nina will lead you through several guided meditations, experiencing two major components of the Formula: the reception power of attention and the expressive potential of intention.

Derived from decades of scientific research from IONS and our colleagues, these practices build on the capacities of your receptive and creative mind. Through these processes, you’ll experience how you can harness skills that support you in creating and achieving your goals and aspirations.

More than just exercises, these explorations are gateways to realizing the abundance of opportunities, information, and energy that you have access to, helping you find the clarity and means to create the change you desire in your life and in the world.

Explore a Science-Based Formula to Manifest Your Dreams: A Customizable Process for Unearthing Your True Purpose & Living a Life of Passion and Possibility
Encore Saturday, February 10th
11:00am PST

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit their website for more information.


If you have any questions, please visit The Shift Network’s support page or contact

In this highly experiential free online event, you will:

  • Explore the Reveal aspect of the Possibility Accelerator Formula, using the power of focused attention to uncover insights and information beyond your usual intellectual reach
  • Dive into the Imagine component of the Possibility Accelerator Formula, employing your creative mind and intentions to influence your material reality
  • Discover techniques to remove mental and emotional roadblocks, paving the way for smoother and faster progress in your personal and professional life
  • Gain clarity on your path forward, employing new perspectives and understanding about your life’s direction and purpose
  • Learn to recognize and utilize the abundant resources and opportunities around you, enhancing your ability to manifest your desired outcomes

Join Kerstin and Nina and discover how you can take the first step toward a more fulfilling life full of passion and purpose.

You can RSVP for free here:

Global Transformation Project Podcast

IONS Scientist Arnaud Delorme, PhD will be speaking on the GTP Monthly Podcast Series. The discussion series features leading minds in science, education, health, and mind body advocating for the UN Resolution for Mind Body in Public Education. Learn more about Global Transformation here.

GTP Monthly Podcast Series with Arnaud Delorme
Sunday, January 21st
1:00pm PST


Register prior to Sunday morning. This is a free online event hosted by Global Transformation Project.


Arnaud Delorme, PhD

Arnaud Delorme, PhD, has been studying human consciousness for the last 20 years. He is a scientist at IONS, a CNRS principal investigator in Toulouse, France, and a tenured research scientist at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Delorme has a keen interest in the scientific study of consciousness and spirituality. He is a long-time Zen meditator. He studies brain dynamical changes underlying extraordinary states of consciousness, including meditation, psycho-active agents, and mediumship.  The author of over 160 publications, Delorme’s work on mediumship is of particular interest — even with the mainstream. His paper on evidential mediumship and the brain activity of mediums is among the top 1% of articles viewed on the Research Gate platform.

Backed by research that spans a decade, Delorme has made a compelling argument that the topic of mediumship is worthy of scientific investigation.

Dr. Delorme is also investigating the means by which technology, in particular multi-channel neurofeedback, could be used to assist meditation practice.

Beyond the Veil Summit

In that sacred space where the veil between the living and the departed grows thin, there exists a realm of profound spiritual connection that transcends the boundaries of grief, the labyrinth of trauma, and the ubiquitous fear of death.

Those who seek solace from the shadow of life-shattering loss, that heavy cloak enveloping the heart turn again and again to time-tested practices that unfold like ancient scrolls, revealing the secrets of existence beyond the corporeal.

During the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll hear from leading medical professionals, spirit communicators, and near-death experience (NDE) experts who will share effective ways to remove some of the major energetic blocks that may be preventing you from connecting with deceased loved ones. This includes IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh.

Whether you’re looking to gain meaningful closure around the loss of a loved one, hoping to assist someone in making their transition, or wanting to glean insights for how to live your own life more fully in the here and now this unique online event will awaken your curiosity and fascination about what lies on the Other Side of the veil, empowering you to view dying in a brand-new way.

Guided by the wisdom of mystics and clues from beyond the veil, you’ll discover multiple ways to navigate altered states of consciousness, unlocking secret doorways to realms where time folds in upon itself.

Through the delicate art of post-death communication, you may vibrationally brush fingertips with those beloved souls who’ve already slipped through the earthly veil.

This communion may take myriad forms, creating a cosmic symphony that includes mediumship, channeling, the divinatory language of tarot, NDEs, and the wondrous excavation of ancestral powers.

As your divination path expands, these channels can serve as direct lines to the Other Side, resonating with authentic soul-to-soul connection.

This spiritual journey delves into profound truths, inviting those who seek direct contact with the departed to master techniques to unravel the fabric of reality — accessing the esoteric mysteries that await your reawakening as an eternal soul.

Beyond the Veil Summit
October 30 – November 3

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit their website for more information.


If you have any questions, please visit The Shift Network’s support page or contact

During this groundbreaking 5-day event with more than 30 prominent speakers, you’ll discover:

  • How to communicate with departed loved ones using mediumship, channeling, tarot, and ancestral research
  • Near-death experiences (NDEs) and what they reveal about the afterlife
  • Sacred oils, crystals, and plant medicines can alter your consciousness and connect you with other realms
  • Intuitive abilities – like clairvoyance – can help you receive messages from spirit guides, angels, and your departed loved ones
  • Scientific research on “veridical perception” that explores the possibility of human consciousness surviving bodily death
  • Ways to transcend grief, trauma, and fear of death through spiritual practices and post-death communications
  • Techniques to achieve altered states of consciousness and channel wisdom from mystical sources
  • How pre-birth planning can help you discover your soul purpose, allowing you to serve humanity’s collective ascension
  • And much more…

Mindfulness Science Keynote Lecture with Arnaud Delorme, PhD

Join the USC Center for Mindfulness Science on October 18th for their upcoming Mindfulness Science Keynote Lecture with guest speaker and IONS Scientist Dr. Arnaud Delorme, PhD.

Arnaud will be presenting his research on the neural correlates of meditation and extraordinary experiences, including anomalous so-called “paranormal” experiences. Arnaud has been conducting numerous scientific studies on meditation over the past two decades. He was one of the first ones to report brain activity analyzed with reference to purely introspective measures — without external cues — during meditation, contributing to the growing appreciation for neurophenomenological investigations of meditation.

Arnaud’s research focused on mind wandering during meditation has demonstrated that mind wandering decreases with meditation experience and the neural correlates related to this decrease. He also has a keen interest in theories of consciousness and transcendent experience both during and outside of meditation.

Arnaud will be presenting some provocative results on the study of the brain of mediums and healers, integrating these findings with those from meditators to provide insights into the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain.

Mindfulness Science Keynote Lecture with Arnaud Delorme, PhD
Wednesday, October 18
12:00 – 1:30 PM PDT

This event is hosted by The USC Center for Mindfulness Science. Please visit their website for more information.


Medical Intuition Summit

As a committed, dedicated student of the healing arts — whether you’re a seasoned therapeutic medical professional or a holistic energy healer — you may ask yourself if expanding your toolkit to include medical intuition might be the next logical step in your evolving practice.

Medical intuition skills can — and do — benefit people who are engaged in a wide variety of healing practices across a broad spectrum of Western and Eastern modalities, such as energy workers, Reiki masters, mediums, and traditional medical professionals who’ve earned their advanced-level degrees studying more conventional Western medicine allopathic practices.

Many therapists, doctors, nurses, clinicians, holistic health coaches/teachers, and those looking to explore a rewarding career at the leading edge of the healthcare revolution, backed by exciting new science, are already enthusiastically exploring this new frontier while facilitating profound healing experiences for their clients.

Medical intuition involves using intuitive or extrasensory abilities to gain insights into a person’s health and well-being.

By perceiving information about a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health that might not be readily apparent through conventional medical methods, you, the practitioner, can make potential treatment recommendations as a result of identifying imbalances and other underlying causes of all manner of ailments.

By delving into medical intuition, you’ll gain insights and skills that go beyond conventional methods, allowing you to contribute to the healing journeys of others on deeper and more holistic levels — integrating medical intuition with more conventional healthcare to provide your clients with a more complete picture of their health.

Medical Intuition Summit
September 23 – 24

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please visit their website for more information.


If you have any questions, please visit The Shift Network’s support page or contact

During this groundbreaking 2-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How intuition can serve as a third-eye assistant, helping to decode and diagnose root causes of autoimmune diseases
  • Trusted methods to identify the spiritual basis of mystery illnesses that evade traditional diagnosis
  • Ways to expand your practitioner’s toolbox so you can holistically support your clients and students
  • How sadness, grief, or guilt can create a heavy heart and affect your emotional/physical well-being and trigger illness
  • An awareness of internal signals that can open new pathways to learning about specific illnesses or life struggles
  • How thoughts, beliefs, and emotions influence health — and practices to bring the body back into alignment emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically
  • The Biofield Viewer, an extremely subtle energy imaging system allowing healers to investigate, monitor, and improve their treatment protocols
  • How to combine contemporary science and medicine with spiritual understanding to maximize practical applications for healing and wellness
  • Ways to deepen your diagnostic awareness to address various subtle energies that can affect health such as emotional or psychic stressors, and Wi-Fi
  • An array of incredible featured speakers, including IONS Director of Research Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR
  • And much more!

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