
Truth Medicine & Unconditional Love: A Nondual Approach to Psychedelic Psychotherapy

November 3, 2023 9:00 am - 10:00 am (PDT)

Nondual psychedelic psychotherapy starts with recognizing our inherent goodness, then moving through layers needing healing with grace, truth, and self-love.

What all of us long for most—peace, love, ease, joy, etc.—can be found in the very moments of our longing and suffering. While the healing path may be difficult and the daily integration practices hard, the truth is simple: unconditional love is both the healing salve and our true nature.

Discovering, accessing, and applying this love toward one’s self is the essence of the nondual approach to psychedelic psychotherapy. In this approach, we start from this place of innocence, ease, and peace, and work our way through the layers of trauma, shame, and untended grief with love as the healing balm.

Join Psychedelics Today on Friday, November 3rd, 2023 from 9 – 10 AM PDT for a webinar with Michael Sapiro, PsyD. He will demonstrate nondual meditation’s role in the therapeutic process, exploring concepts like loving awareness, original essence, and the entire therapy framework, from preparation to integration. Embracing the nondual approach, we can swiftly experience our unbroken wholeness, guiding our healing journey in psychedelic therapy.

Traditional therapies work from the outside in, addressing the various layers that cause us pain and discomfort toward what is good. Nondual psychedelic psychotherapy begins with what is already good and wholesome, and then we move with grace, truth, honesty, unconditional love, and acceptance through the layers we want to heal. There is no greater medicine than self-love, so why not spend our time accessing that first so we can apply it like a salve on all the untended grief and unhealed wounds that we discover on our psychedelic psychotherapy journey?

We don’t want to wait a lifetime to experience this within ourselves. Why don’t we start there? The nondual approach to psychedelic psychotherapy leads toward the experience of what is whole and unbroken within a relatively short time. When we get a taste of this truth, even briefly and fleetingly, we know it exists, and know what to aim for. This is the brightest beacon on our horizon of healing and growth in the psychedelic psychotherapeutic process.

Truth Medicine & Unconditional Love: A Nondual Approach to Psychedelic Psychotherapy
Friday, November 3
9:00 – 10:00 am PDT (12:00 – 1:00 pm EST)

This course is produced by Psychedelic Support. Please visit their event page for more information!

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