IONS Director of Research, Dr. Helané Wahbeh, is pleased to be invited to speak at a free webinar hosted by the Swedish chapter of the Society for Psychical Research.
People use many different words to describe it, like clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, psi, psychic, channeling, extended human capacities, anomalous information reception, etc. We propose that all people can access this “noetic” information and energy — that which is not limited by space and time. However, the way people access and receive this information and energy is unique — we call this the Noetic Signature™. Dr. Helané Wahbeh will share about the results of this exciting research program.
The Noetic Signature™: Our Unique Subjective Sense of Psi
Thursday, May 27, 2021
10:00am PDT
To register for this free webinar, email the Swedish SPR before May 25th and to receive the participant link.