The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) and the Parapsychological Association (PA) have joined together to sponsor an online convention that will emphasize the connections between all of us – seen and unseen.
All IONS scientists and many of our fellows will be taking part in the exciting convention. Their presentation topics include:
- “Psychophysical Interactions with Entangled Photons: Five Exploratory Studies” by IONS Chief Scientist Dr. Dean Radin with IONS Scientist Dr. Arnaud Delorme, and IONS Fellow Dr. Peter Bancel.
- “Accuracy and Neural Correlates of Blinded Mediumship Compared to Controls” by Dr. Arnaud Delorme
- “Subtle Energy Perception: Pilot Study With A Buddha Relic” by IONS Scientist Dr. Garret Yount
- “Qualitative Analysis of First-Person Accounts of Noetic Experiences” by IONS Director of Research Dr. Helané Wahbeh
- “Forced-Choice Psi Performance on Four Online Tests as a Function of Multiple Factors” by IONS Fellow, Dr. Julia Mossbridge, with IONS Chief Scientist, Dr. Dean Radin, and Mark Boccuzzi.
- “Expectancies and PSI: The Challenges of Replication” by IONS Senior Fellow Dr. Marilyn Schlitz
Both the SSE and PA follow strict scientific approaches to pursue a better understanding of the human condition through explorations of anomalous experiences, remote viewing, subtle energies of the body, intentional and unconscious effects on objects and electronics, encounters, and other experiences related to the nature of consciousness. Both groups include serious scientists who publish in peer-reviewed journals as well as curious individuals who want to better understand their experiences.
SSE-PA Connections 2021
July 23-31, 2021
This combined convention will offer an opportunity for attendees interested in a wide range of topics to share and evaluate some of the most exciting and promising original research happening today. Spread out over 10 days, registrants will have access to a library of pre-recorded lectures, invitations to attend live Q&A sessions, panel discussions, and pop-up events, as well as spontaneous and planned social events, a discussion forum, and live chat options with colleagues.