
SSE/PA Breakthrough 2022 Conference

June 23-26, 2022 (PDT)

The Parapsychological Association and the Society for Scientific Exploration join together once again this year for an online conference on June 23rd to 26th. The theme for this year’s conference is: Breakthrough: New Ideas in Research and Theory. Helené Wahbeh, IONS Director of Research, will be giving the presidential address. IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin will be giving a special talk, and several other IONS scientists will also be presenting on projects.

A number of recent developments in parapsychology and anomalistic research have expanded the boundaries of our science and advanced the acceptance and recognition of these topics. SSE-PA Breakthrough 2022 will feature research discoveries and theoretical perspectives that enabled these breakthroughs.

The structure of the conference will be similar to last year and uniquely different from nearly every other online conference you may have attended. Of course, the online format allows scientists from around the world to attend and present their work, but this event will also provide a wonderful opportunity to have unstructured discussions and private meetings with other conference attendees while continuing to feature formal presentations from top researchers and theorists.

Breakthrough 2022
June 23 – 36, 2022

Learn More & Register

All conference presentations will be recorded and available to attendees from around the world to watch at any time during the conference. Scheduled presentations will include an opportunity for live interaction with the speakers, and brief video presentations will round out the experience with a number of short videos available to give a broad sense of the current state of the field and opportunities to discuss these brief videos with the presenters.

Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about psi, subtle energies, survival, and edge-science.  It’s sure to be a really fun event, and it would be wonderful to include you as part of the experience.




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