
Psi Agora: Apports Research in Brazil and Elsewhere

May 5, 2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (EDT)

The Psi Agora is an online space opened on the 5th of each month (11:00am Eastern) for members of the Parapsychological Association to gather for conversation around a selection of “table” topics. The objective is to replicate, in a virtual platform, some of the social dynamics that happen at conventions or other consciousness-related gatherings, which have helped to nourish innovation and develop international projects. Furthermore, it’s an excellent opportunity to learn about what’s being researched by your colleagues!

On May 5th, IONS Fellow, Dr. Stanley Krippner, will host a table discussion on the topic:

Apports Research in Brazil and Elsewhere
May 5, 2022 at 11:00am EDT

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