
Navigating the Future of Energy Healing: Policy & Practice Insights

November 3, 2023 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (PDT)

Join CHI for their collaborative online event, “Navigating the Future of Energy Healing: Policy & Practice Insights. This online conversation aims to provide education and awareness on issues that affect the energy healing practitioner community thanks to CHI’s Energy Healing Practitioner Council and Working Group.

This event is for you if:

  • You are an energy healing practitioner with questions about your legal rights
  • You would like to understand the historical context of regulating energy healing practitioners
  • You are curious as to how energy healing practitioners fit into the legal system
  • You would like to know the basics about what all of this legal talk even means

The event will also feature speakers who have experience and knowledge in particular areas that can affect the scope of practice for energy healing practitioners, including legislation, licensing, certification, and indigenous healing practices and perspectives.

It’s important to note that at CHI, they are aware this is a hot topic in the practitioner community. Many people are unaware of what is going on with regard to this topic. they also know that folks involved in this work have different opinions on what should or should not be done. Their trusted speakers will not be sharing their opinions, but rather educating to the best of their abilities based on their respective backgrounds. CHI has no vested interest in promoting any solution or lack thereof a solution with this event. They are neutral on this and don’t believe they have the answer. Instead, they believe in the need to come together to educate ourselves on this topic.

Navigating the Future of Energy Healing: Policy & Practice Insights
Friday, November 3, 2022
9:00am – 12:00pm PDT

This event is hosted by The Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). Please visit their website for more information.





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