The study of consciousness requires that we take seriously the many flavors of human experience, even those—ranging from psychedelics and lucid dreaming to synchronicities, near-death experiences and mystical phenomena—that could be said to enter through the ‘backdoors of perception.’ Such experiences have until now been largely avoided by academia and left to lie beyond the border of what is typically explored scientifically and discussed in public.
However, now it is more openly being asked whether such experiences can actually inform—and even transform—not just neuroscience and fundamental physics but also our very understanding of the nature of reality and our collective and individual place in the world.
The Pari Center seeks to bring together world-renowned experts from a variety of disciplines, including IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin (via Zoom), to meet together and deepen our insights on the workings and bases of such experiences, while also exploring creative and rigorous frameworks to integrate such a constellation into a coherent understanding.
Through presentations and informal discussions in a convivial atmosphere, attendees will learn about and have opportunities to discuss the insights and research findings of world-renowned experts on what are called ‘exceptional’ experiences. The subject fits under the umbrella of consciousness research, which is currently enjoying a huge renaissance in terms of general interest and academic momentum.
Join the Pari Center for this groundbreaking event.
At The Edges of Consciousness
June 6-13, 2023
Pari, Italy
This event is hosted by the Pari Center. Please visit their website for more information.