
Death Makes Life Possible Course

February 18, 2021 (PST)
Available through March 18, 2021

Working with the documentary film and book (book is optional), Death Makes Life Possible, and other related multi-media materials, Dr. Marilyn Schlitz will lead the class in considering insights and reflections by eminent psychologists, scientists, scholars, spiritual leaders, devout skeptics, health practitioners, and people from all walks of life, to understand myriad ways that we grow and change by expanding our perspectives and ways of knowing about the ultimate mystery facing each one of us.

Students will be invited to consider their own and others’ worldviews on death and the afterlife, and engage in an epistemological examination of how we know what we know about these core existential issues. We will engage in a collaborative learning community, working with materials together and sharing the film with extended others in order to create rich and meaningful conversation— and to expand our capacity to explore what gives people meaning and purpose.

The course is designed to create a safe and supportive environment in which participants have the opportunity to explore their own and others worldviews and feelings about death in the context of diverse and often competing truth claims.

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