
ConnectIONS Live: Noetic Approaches to Collective Purpose & Action

April 10, 2020 11:00 am - 12:15 pm (PDT)

Moderated by IONS CEO Claire Lachance, and featuring panelists Emanuel Kuntzelman, Anita Sanchez, and Azim Khamisa.

We each experience purpose in a unique way. The current global situation calls us to ask ourselves: What is most essential? What do we truly love and care about? And what do we want to create together? Tune in to explore how we can use our noetic tools and insights to support us in moving forward with new vision and ways of being in the world at this critical time in history.

Noetic Approaches to Collective Purpose & Action
Friday, April 10, 2020
11:00 am – 12:15 pm (Pacific)



Emanuel KuntzelmanEmanuel Kuntzelman is a social entrepreneur, writer, motivational speaker and environmentalist.  He founded the non-profit Greenheart International in 1985 and is also a founding co-creator of the Global Purpose Movement.


Anita SanchezAnita Sanchez, PhD, is a published author, consultant, trainer and executive coach who has worked with tens of thousands of global leaders and teams around the world. She specializes in indigenous wisdom, diversity and inclusion, leadership, culture and promoting positive change in our world.


Azim KhamisaAzim Khamisa serves as the Vice Chair of the IONS Board of Directors. Hailed by dignitaries such as the Dalai Llama, Bill Clinton, and Al Gore, Azim is a renowned international speaker, delivering his inspirational message to a world in desperate need of forgiveness, peace, and hope.





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