
Awakened Campus Global Conference

November 29-30, 2022 (PST)

The global state of mind — mental or psychological health — is in urgent and indisputable need of transformation, according to the World Health Organization’s 2022 worldwide report. Symptoms of hopelessness, depression, despair, addiction, suicide, and substance abuse are at alarming levels, and rising at alarming rates. In 2021, the United States Surgeon General issued a formal public health Advisory on this issue: generating awareness for the mental health crisis particularly among the population most vulnerable to severe suffering and disease, young adults and adolescents.

The Awakened Campus Global Conference convenes leading thinkers from universities around the world to speak on the discovery and application of a scientific, evidence-based solution — one that is equivalent to the world’s leading vaccine and offers the highest levels of prevention and protection against onset and development of severe disease. The administration of the “shot” for this “vaccine” against psychological disease in truth comes from a birthright within the human. We all are born, “hard wired” with an innate capacity to participate in and awaken to a transcendent relationship with a higher power (however one calls the ultimate loving, guiding life force) and feel this sacred presence in our relationship to fellow human beings and Earth.

Demonstrated across multiple levels of analysis (MRI, genotyping, epidemiology) and leading peer-reviewed published studies, Awakened Awareness to our natural, innate spirituality is not only robustly protective against disease, but central to our human nature for optimum thriving and wholeness.

Invited speakers include IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin, MS, PhD, IONS Fellows Julia Mossbridge, PhD and Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, as well as other incredible speakers from USA, Europe, and India. They will present their experience and best practices in integrating spirituality in higher education and help to co-create projects with participating institutions in curriculum, research, and extracurriculum development areas, and facilitate the collaboration of faculty and university leaders to promote spiritual awareness in higher education and professional practices.

Awakened Campus Global Conference
November 29-30, 2022

This event is hosted by The Collaborative for Spirituality in Education. Please visit their website for more information.





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