Why is the perceptual stance of awakened awareness transformative for mental health and ethics?
Currently, our post-industrial global culture faces an epidemic of the diseases of depression (addiction, depression, and suicide). The ascension of the epidemic is statistically related to a decline in personal spiritual life and family faith observance.
Over 20 years of peer-reviewed science reveals that: 1) Humans are innate spiritual beings with a “neural docking station” for spiritual awareness, and 2) humans realize our fuller nature when we strengthen this innate spiritual capacity, leading to broad and robust protective benefits against the diseases of despair, 3) formation and deepening of spiritual awareness may through the process of a developmental depression, and 4) spiritual awareness leads to a more inspired stance in life, a quest, that includes greater relational ethics to fellow humans and fellow living beings.
The discussion with author Lisa Miller, PhD, will include consideration that over the period of the pandemic, our global post-industrial culture has faced a mass developmental depression that now may be yielding into a Spiritual Renaissance.
The Awakened Brain and the New Science of Spirituality
May 17, 2023
11:30 am – 12:30 pm, PDT / 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, BST
This event is hosted by the Scientific & Medical Network. Please visit their event page for more information!
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