EarthRise Retreat Center

Alchemy of the Heart

June 27-30, 2019 (PDT)

Uniting the Divine Feminine and Masculine Within

Registration Information

Imagine living a life defined in every way by love.

For eons humanity has been locked in a patriarchal paradigm where the head has ruled the heart and masculine has dominated feminine. This imbalance has resulted in shutting down the Great Heart and brought our systems to the brink of collapse.

However, we are at the turning of a Great Age, and it is time for our hearts to be reopened so that we may regain wholeness and live in love.

Loving is more than just intellectual knowing. So much of its power lies in the doing. Alchemy of the heart is, therefore, love in action, and this intensive will show you how. Learn to recognize what truly serves love. Practice integrating the divine feminine and masculine so that yang supports yin in the service of love.

At this pivotal moment in human evolution, we are being invited to:

  • Clear our consciousness to manifest the loving world we most desire
  • Balance the divine feminine and masculine within us
  • Maintain an open heart irrespective of external challenges
  • Live in eternal love
  • Put our love into action
  • Serve the Earth and all her sentient children with an open, loving heart.
What You Will Receive

A deeper understanding of:

  • The eternal dance and dynamics of feminine and masculine energies
  • How to integrate the “other” in a loving, enduring and constructive manner
    How your relationships mirror your inner reality
  • How to generate harmony and balance within every aspect of your life
  • How to live permanently in love
  • How to put your love into action.

Personal practices and practical tools that:

  • Ground the spiritual principles
  • Assist you to embody love, peace and balance, every day and in every way

Join me as we reawaken our hearts. Together we will transform our world!

Cost:  $429 Early-bird price by May 9, OR $499 regular price after May 9

Registration Information

About the Presenter

Brad LaughlinBrad Laughlin is a spiritual teacher who for over 20 years has offered innovative ways of helping people transform consciousness and awaken during these times of great change — in particular how to keep the heart open in the face of adversity. At his events he shares a transmission of love, joy and healing energy that is uplifting and enduring. He is the author of the upcoming book, Living with Enlightenment—A Journey of Love, about his 27-year life-partnership with teacher of enlightenment, Leslie Temple-Thurston, and of other books, which offer tools, guidance and inspiration for spiritual transformation through the teachings of non-duality. Brad is the Executive Director of the international non-profit organization, CoreLight, which is dedicated to fostering outer peace through developing personal inner peace. He facilitates journeys to sacred sites worldwide and is a co-founder of Seeds of Light, CoreLight’s humanitarian arm, serving marginalized communities and AIDS orphans in South Africa. He has a B.S. degree from Duke University and when not with his spouse, Leslie, in South Africa, is traveling and offering events in other parts of the world.


EarthRise Retreat Center

101 San Antonio Road
Petaluma, CA
United States

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