The Parapsychological Association is bringing its 62nd annual convention to Paris, France in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Institut Métapsychique International! Join IONS Chief Scientist Dean Radin and other international researchers at the avant-garde of science this July 4-6, 2019.
This July 4-6, the PA is bringing its annual convention to Paris, France in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Institut Métapsychique International. Join us for three days of paper presentations, workshops, and panel discussions on the latest research into psi and related phenomena, such as extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, psychic healing, altered states of consciousness, mediumship and possible survival of bodily death.
The year’s J.B. Rhine Address will be delivered by quantum physicist and philosopher Antoine Suarez, founding director of the Center for Quantum Philosophy. In his address titled What Is and Is Not Possible for Human Experimenters Saurez will discuss the conditions for the possibility and reproducibility of psychophysical phenomena.
The PA convention will offer an opportunity for attendees interested in a wide range of human functioning popularly known as the ‘psychic’ or ‘paranormal’ to share and evaluate some of the most exciting and promising original research happening today.