December 1 - December 31, 2021

Double Your Gift and Your Impact!

Together We Give and Illuminate Our Interconnection

Make a Gift

IONS End-of-Year Fundraising Campaign

December 1 through December 31, 2021: All Gifts Doubled Up To $250,000

Thanks to the generosity of several IONS donors, we are able to offer a $250,000 Challenge Match!

Make a Gift Today!

Gifts of all Sizes Make a Difference!
We rely 100% on private gifts to conduct our scientific research and our experiential programs.

The Campaign: Illuminate our Interconnection: IONS End-of-Year Giving Campaign
Our Campaign Goal: $500,000 in total gifts received by December 31!

Make a Gift

A Special PayPal Holiday Giveaway Bonus: If you use a PayPal account (created on or before November 1, 2021) to make a charitable gift to IONS of $10.00 or more through December 19, you will be automatically entered for a weekly chance to win $25, $50, $250 or $10,000 in the PayPal Holiday Giveaway! (see PayPal website for more info)

Gifts of appreciated securities also welcome! LEARN MORE

Questions? Please contact Christie Larson: or 707-779-8215

IONS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Thank you for being a part of the IONS family!

Together We Give and Illuminate Our Interconnection!

Help IONS Bring in an Abundant Future for all!
Join us as we open our hearts to Abundance — for IONS and for the benefit of all. Take a moment this holiday season to envision IONS flowing with abundant resources that will allow us to continue to advance the leading-edge science that fuels our much-needed noetic educational programming.

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