BEYOND: Global Mind Change in Action

IONS 19th International Conference

Conference Speakers and their Presentations

May 30, 2024

Welcome and Orientation

  • Blessing Ceremony with Yeye Luisah Teish, Author, Performance Artist, and Spiritual Advisor

Join us for an opening blessing to our conference with esteemed ritualist, author, and Oshun priestess Luisah Teish. Through her chant, “Fun Ire I Da,” Luisah will call upon the universe to grant us good fortune and balance. Luisah will pour libations for the ancestors, honoring the Four Directions from which they watch over us. This ceremony not only pays respect to those who came before us but also seeks their guidance and wisdom as we embark on our journey through this conference.

  • Intention Meditation with Kerstin Sjoquist, Director of Experience & Engagement

Get oriented to the airmeet platform and set an intention for your weekend journey with Kerstin Sjoquist, IONS Director of Experience & Engagement.

Opening Plenary Session

Welcome, and opening videos from IONS Founder Dr. Edgar Mitchell and IONS Past President Willis Harman

IONS Through the Ages

  • Claudia Welss

Since our singular founding legacy 50 years ago, IONS has had a unique and storied role as a pioneering nonprofit at the frontiers of bridging science and spirituality, and democratizing access to a growing body of evidence, knowledge and experience.  Advancing our mission meant challenging the status quo over and over again by providing extraordinary evidence to support what was viewed as extraordinary claims about the full extent of human potential, the true interconnected nature of reality, and the fundamental nature of consciousness.  This brief review by the decades is intended to provide an “IONS 101” foundation for those who may not know, or may have forgotten, some highlights of how IONS created and has been advancing the field of noetic sciences since 1973.

Revolutionizing Science to Understand Psi

  • Moderated by Thomas Brophy
  • Panelists: Dean Radin, Helane Wahbeh, Garret Yount & Arnuad Delorme

Fifty years of psi research at IONS has yielded strong scientific evidence for the existence of psi phenomena, and yet the broader scientific community still does not embrace it.  This panel describes IONS’ exciting projects and explores insights to the revolution in science that will be needed to understand psi.

Reconnections and ‘New’ Directions

  • Moderated by Claudia Welss
  • Panelists: Lynne Twist, Stacey Lawson, Mark Gober

At this 50-year mark, IONS looks at four of the biggest evolutionary drivers of our time — our environmental crisis, the rapid development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI), the disclosure of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), and the rise of using psychedelics for breakthrough creativity —  as some of the major consciousness-expanding opportunities for humanity that IONS saw coming long ago.  How can noetics help navigate these opportunities?  Each topic will be explored further in dedicated breakout sessions throughout the conference.

May 31, 2024

Morning Noetic Practice: Qigong

  • Master Mingtong Gu

Welcome to the Morning Noetic Practice with Master Mingtong Gu! Start your day with intention, clarity, and a sense of inner peace as we guide you through a transformative morning practice that will set the tone for your day.

Friday Morning Plenary Session

What is the Global Mind, Really?

  • Charles Eisenstein

You could think of each human being as a neuron, but the global mind is much more than that, just as mind cannot be reduced to brain, nor thought to symbol. This presentation will explore the human role in the planetary and cosmic mind and its expansion, with reference to AI, creativity, dramatic aesthetics, and non-symbolic communication.

Exploring Extended Human Capacities

  • Moderated by Helané Wahbeh
  • Panelists: Theresa Cheung, Suzanne Giesemann, and Paulo Roberto Silva e Souza

Join us for a compelling panel discussion featuring best-selling author Theresa Cheung, renowned medium Suzanne Giesemann, and visionary advocate Paulo Roberto Silva e Souza, moderated by Helane Wahbeh, Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This dynamic discussion will explore how expanded awareness and the development of psychic and spiritual gifts can contribute to personal and collective well-being, drawing from the rich experiences and research of each panelist. Join us to expand your understanding of what is possible for human potential.

The Search for Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin

  • Avi Loeb, PhD

Avi Loeb, best selling author and Professor of Science at Harvard University updates us on the Galileo Project’s exciting search for evidence of extraterrestrial technological artifacts, and his pioneering approach that nothing should be taboo from scientific research.


Breakout Session #1: The Environmental Crisis and Humanity’s Evolutionary Leap

  • Lynne Twist, Author and co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance
  • Philippe Goldin, PhD, Professor at UC Davis

Explore the current breakdown and polycrisis we are in and how it can lead to a breakthrough in human consciousness that may be a precursor to an evolutionary leap for our species. Hear about ancient indigenous cultures who have prophesied this unique time in human history, how key visioning and dreaming are to creating the world we want, and how to engage and empower youth in creating a Global Mind Change.  There will be an opportunity for the participants to engage in a dream/meditation process to engage in their own visioning for the future.

Breakout Session #2: Wisdom AI in Action: Elevating Consciousness & Human Flourishing

  • Stacey Lawson, 
  • Julia Mossbridge, Ph.D.
  • Peter Russell
  • Paul Kuhn
  • Wakanyi Hoffman

This experiential panel will showcase early examples of Wisdom AI offerings designed to elevate consciousness and human flourishing. Join us for exploration, discussion, and a first-hand experience of how Wisdom AI might support your path of personal development and growth. In addition to short interactions with “Wise AIs,” we’ll investigate questions such as:

-What is the vision of AI creators for how Wisdom AI will support human flourishing and elevate consciousness?

-How can those committed to conscious evolution engage with AI offerings?

-How can we incorporate consciousness principles (e.g., intention, attention, presence, love, nervous system regulation, etc.) into our interactions with AI?

-How will Wisdom AI influence the broader AI landscape, if at all?

-What needs or challenges are Wisdom AI solutions currently addressing? Experience first-hand how these solutions might support your transformational path.

-What design principles are critical for creating Wisdom AI? Sharing challenges and lessons learned by AI builders.

-How will we know if these experiments are successful? What are the outcomes & impact (e.g., personal well-being, culture shifts, consciousness transformation, etc.) that Wisdom AI might ultimately enable?

Breakout Session #3: Ancient Civilizations And New Realities

  • JJ. Hurtak, PhD
  • Desire Hurtak, Ph
  • Alan Steinfeld

The scientific, technological capabilities of ancient cultures remain a mystery for us.  How did they gain the knowledge to construct the wonders found in places such as Easter Island, the Giza Plateau, Xian (China) and Mexico? Did these ancient cultures share their knowledge and perhaps collaborate? While we may feel ourselves to be intellectually superior, they appear to have had scientific and technological capabilities that we are only presently beginning to develop, like possibly using advanced water and hydrogen as energy sources. Our panelists will discuss this ancient knowledge in the light of current discoveries being made using such tools as “remote sensing technology” and the process of “remote viewing.” Many of these cultures placed an emphasis on the soul and the afterlife. Thus, we will focus on what we can learn from our ancient ancestors for future technology and for consciousness development that can benefit us and our planet.

Breakout Session #4: Co-Creating a Culture of Unconditional Love

  • Azim Khamisa
  • David Lorimer
  • Nicola Amadora, PhD
  • Claudia Welss
  • Stephen G. Post, PhD

“We look forward to the time when the power to love will replace the love of power.  Then will our world know the blessings of peace.” – William Ewart Gladstone.  Such a vision has been held and directly experienced by sages and saints through the ages. We now live at a critical moment of choice where we are called upon to embody the transformative power of Love. Love in this sense is what Gandhi called ‘a cosmological force,” Peter Deunov called “the Divine Fire of the Spirit,” and IONS Founder Edgar Mitchell called “a new organizing principle for humanity.”

This Cosmic Love lies at the core of the planetary spiritual awakening and Global Mind Change so essential in the face of widespread global turbulence and anxiety. Explore how in our troubled times we can co-create a Culture of Unconditional Love with our panel who will share their own life experience and research.

Breakout Session #5: Going Deeper: Revolutionizing Science to Understand PSI

  • Helane Wahbeh, ND, MCR
  • Thomas Brophy, PhD
  • Arnaud Delorme, PhD 
  • Cedric Cannard, PhD
  • Garret Yount, PhD

Fifty years of psi research at IONS has yielded strong scientific evidence for the existence of psi phenomena, and yet the broader scientific community still does not embrace it.  This panel describes IONS’ exciting projects and explores insights to the revolution in science that will be needed to understand psi.

Breakout Session #6: DreamTime: What are your dreams telling you about your future?

  • Theresa Cheung

Perhaps you’ve experienced glimpses into something that’s about to happen or felt a strong sense of deja vu that you just know what you’re experiencing is something you’ve lived through before. Precognition – unexplained knowledge of a future event it or situation – is a well researched phenomenon usually experienced first in your nocturnal dreams.

In this visionary break out session hosted by Theresa Cheung – who coauthored The premonition Code with IONS fellow, Dr Julia Mossbridge – all you need to bring is your dreams and or dream journal. You’ll discover that precognitive dreaming is the norm and not the exception and there is a stunning amount of data and research to back this up. You will also learn ways to use the precognitive potential of your dreams for increased clarity and focus in your waking life and to help you make better decisions moving forward.

In fact, dreaming is not just a powerful practice to help you understand yourself better, problem solve, boost creativity and lead a soul led life,  it is also one of the most neglected manifesting tools for creating the future you desire.


Breakout Session #1: Observing L.I.F.E. The Awakened Way®

  • Suzanne Giesemann, MPA

Physicists are well familiar with the observer effect: the fact that observing a situation changes it. What if you knew for a fact that you are both the experiencer of every situation and the observer? Instead of getting caught up in the drama of being human, you can learn to make the shift to the higher perspective—the observer—and gain insights, guidance, and peace.

There is a part of you that is already whole and complete. That part is the soul—the ever-present observer within.

Evidence-based medium and mystic Suzanne Giesemann provides evidence of the greater reality and shares techniques to experience expanded states leading to the awareness of your interconnectedness with all of life. Learn to shift to aspects of the Self beyond your story and actively communicate with higher consciousness. As you do so, you will find that L.I.F.E. is nothing less than Love In Full Expression.

Breakout Session #2: Going Deeper: The Search for Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin

  • Avi Loeb, PhD

Over the past decade, the first four interstellar objects were discovered. They include two interstellar meteors, IM1 and IM2, detected on January 8, 2014 and March 9, 2017, `Oumuamua detected on October 19, 2017, and Borisov detected on August 29, 2019. Among these four, the first three appeared anomalous relative to known solar-system rocks whereas the fourth appeared as a familiar comet. IM1 and IM2 exhibited the highest material strength among all meteorites in the CNEOS catalog of NASA, `Oumuamua exhibited a flat shape and non-gravitational acceleration with no detectable cometary evaporation. In June 2023 we recovered 850 spherules from the Pacific Ocean site IM1. I will discuss our findings as well as the possible origins of interstellar objects.

Breakout Session #3: The Hard Science of Spirituality

  • Andrew Newberg, MD, PhD
  • Anirban Bandyopadhyay
  • Stuart Hammeroff, MD
  • Thomas Brophy, PhD

Neurotheology, quantum orchestrated objective reduction, quantum time crystal nanoscience, and Penrose’ Neo-Platonism, are emerging to address the hard science of how consciousness and spirit operate in humans.

Breakout Session #4: Unlocking Noetic Wisdom: Highlights from the IONS Channeling Research Program

  • Helane Wahbeh, ND, MCR

Dr. Helané  Wahbeh, the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), will provide an in-depth update on the groundbreaking IONS Channeling Research Program. She will highlight compelling findings from her latest studies, including observations of non-physical beings during Reiki sessions, insights from structural neuroimaging related to psi experiences, and emerging norms and patterns identified through the Noetic Signature Inventory. This presentation will be followed by an interactive question-and-answer period, offering attendees a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue and deepen their understanding of these intriguing topics. To conclude the workshop, Dr. Wahbeh will lead participants in a channeling meditation designed to enhance our ability to access and harness noetic wisdom. This immersive experience aims to enrich your understanding of noetic sciences and empower you with practical skills to tap into your inner knowledge. Don’t miss this chance to expand your horizons and connect with like-minded individuals.

Breakout Session #5: Time and the Brain

  • Cedric Cannard, PhD

We will explore the fascinating interplay between time and human consciousness, focusing on how our brains anticipate the future and may even be influenced by events before they occur. We will delve into the concepts of retrocausality and predictive processes, examining phenomena such as presentiment and precognition. This discussion aims to shed light on the complex ways in which our consciousness interacts with time, challenging our traditional understanding of cause and effect.

Breakout Session #6: Science Spotlight Talks

Experimental Investigations into the Effects of Variant T: Consciousness Fields on Living Organisms and Inanimate

  • Farzad Ahmadkhanlou

T-Consciousness theory states that consciousness is intrinsically linked with intelligence, awareness, insight, wisdom, and management; collectively, these elements comprise what is termed T-Consciousness. The space-time fabric has emerged from T-Consciousness, and matter and energy are manifestations of T-Consciousness in the space-time fabric. T-Consciousness has impacts on matter and energy through non-local T-Consciousness Fields (TCFs). One of the key features of T-Consciousness theory is its practical applications in many disciplines through variant TCFs. These fields cannot be directly measured by scientific means; however, it is possible to investigate their effects on various subjects through reproducible laboratory experiments. Researchers at Cosmointel have investigated the effects of several distinct types of variant TCFs on a wide variety of living organisms, including humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms, as well as inanimate objects in various scientific domains. The results reveal the distinct behavior of the subjects under study under the influence of every unique TCF.

Kundalini as a Bridge Between Science, Sacred Traditions and Transcendent Experiences: New Empirical Evidence and Direction for Future Research

  • Michael Molina

Kundalini is an ancient sacred tradition that holds an important clue to unraveling the intricate relationship between various types of transcendent experiences including mystical and psychic experiences. In this enlightening talk, Michael Molina presents compelling empirical evidence supporting a unified model of these experiences, opening up new avenues for scholarly exploration. A new psychometrically validated instrument is introduced that measures higher consciousness, the hypothesized peak of transcendent experiences. By reliably quantifying the various facets of the experience, including unity, bliss, and somatic energy sensations, this tool can be used as a basis for a multi-disciplinary effort to explore higher consciousness in greater detail. Central to this talk is the bold claim that transcendent experiences have a singular and measurable underlying biological mechanism known as Kundalini. Critical questions emerge. Can the convergence of science and sacred traditions help spiritual seekers in achieving higher states of consciousness? What would be the broader impact on humanity’s evolution and the planet? Join Michael as he addresses these questions, offering insights into accelerated spiritual evolution and the possibility of a more enlightened humanity.

Similarities of Cognition in Shamanism and in Normative Waking Consciousness

  • Timothy L. Hubbard

Shamanism has been viewed as an altered state of consciousness significantly different from

normal waking consciousness. A shaman enters a shamanic state in order to access another realm (typically a lower-, middle-, or upper-world) in an attempt to obtain information regarding, or take action on behalf of, another individual or a community. It is proposed that problem-solving strategies used in shamanism are the same as those used in normative waking consciousness, and that differences between problem-solving in shamanism and problem-solving in normative waking consciousness involve the object (content) and not the strategy (mechanism) of cognition. Problem-solving strategies in shamanic cognition and in normative waking consciousness involve an intentional stance, heuristics (e.g., representativeness, availability, property transmission), magical thinking (e.g. transmutation, law of similarity, thought-action fusion, law of contagion, tempting fate), and social attribution (e.g., fundamental attribution error, in group/outgroup differences, totemism), and these also impact perceived relatedness and locus of control.

Friday Afternoon Plenary Session: The Hard Science of Spirituality

  • Moderator Thomas Brophy, PhD
  • Panel Stuart Hammeroff, MD, Andrew Newberg, MD, PhD, Anirban Bandyopadhyay

Neurotheology, quantum orchestrated objective reduction, quantum time crystal nanoscience, and Penrose’ Neo-Platonism, are emerging to address the hard science of how consciousness and spirit operate in humans.

Friday Evening Plenary Session- In Pursuit of an Infinite Mindset

Gerard Senehi, Mentalist, mind reader, and motivational speaker

NOTE: Mr. Senehi asked us not to record this session, and as such it is not included in the conference video archives.

June 1, 2024

Morning Noetic Practice: Liquid Flow: Emerging Asana and Breath

  • Hawah Kasat

Explore the space between space and the breath between movements.  This will be a nourishing, sometimes slow, and fluid practice combined with precise placement that draws from Sivananda, Jivamukti, and Kung Fu traditions. Join for a powerful, yet subtle, meditative flowing practice that will leave you feeling as light as a cloud. Suitable for all levels of students.

Saturday Morning Plenary Session

Report from the Fringes of Consciousness

  • Jeffery Mishlove

Investigations into the far-reaches of human nature point to possibilities of global mind change that often exceed our conventional “boggle thresholds.” In this presentation, Jeffrey highlights four areas once considered beyond the pale that are now receiving accelerated attention: postmortem communication, psychokinetic influence upon physical and social variables, fluidity of identity, and archetypal synchronistic resonance. Today’s world is filled with many marvels that were inconceivable only forty years ago. How can we best prepare today for a future beyond the grasp of our present conceptual tools?

Consciousness and Healing

  • Moderator: Helané Wahbeh
  • Panel:  Garret Yount, Shamini Jain, Marilyn Schlitz 

We invite you to an enlightening panel discussion on “Consciousness and Healing,” featuring distinguished researchers Shamani Jain, Garret Yount, and Marilyn Schlitz. Moderated by IONS Director of Research Dr. Helane Wahbeh, this panel will delve into fascinating research findings and discuss practical applications of consciousness in healing. Join us for a session that bridges science and spirituality, enhancing our collective understanding of the healing potential of consciousness.

Global Consciousness and the Global Consciousness Project 

  • Moderator: Claudia Welss
  • Panel: Dean Radin, Rollin MCraty, and Roger Nelson

Exploring the interconnectedness of humanity’s consciousness and understanding how it can influence global events and even aspects of material reality has been an important part of IONS’ legacy. We’ll introduce the origins, the purpose and the evidence of the decades-long, pioneering Global Consciousness Project, and how the recent evolution into a 2.0 version with more data points, more sensitive technology, more sophisticated analysis and a stronger citizen science component holds exciting new promise for creating a Global Mind Change in action.


Breakout Session #1: Lessons from the Fringes of Consciousness

  • Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD

History has shown us, over and over again, that phenomena that are relegated to the margins of culture often find their way into an unsuspecting mainstream. Today, activity on the fringes of consciousness research involves such questions as time travel, extra-dimensional and hyperspatial contacts, new forms of human identity that overwhelmingly contradict conventional mores, and the power of human intention to solve formidable problems. Of greatest interest is the notion that we are inextricably entangled with the universe itself, which is alive, conscious, and intelligent.

Breakout Session #2: The Deep Field Hypothesis from the Origins of Life Could Catalyze a Global Mind

  • Bruce Damer

Dr. Bruce Damer will bring to IONS50 the latest science of the origins of life on Earth and its transformative implications for humanity, including the possible discovery of a ‘deep field’ in biology. This deep field could be explanatory for many extraordinary phenomena we experience, including those studied by IONS. He will also share his protocol using a combination of psychedelics and mindfulness practices to journey into some version of a deep field to bring back solutions for science and novel innovations for humanity. Inspired by Willis Harman, the investigation of creativity in relation to a deep field is a focus of the new Center for MINDS and a growing network of collaborators. We hope that this work can be a catalyst for a global mind change and guide our actions to a sustainable and brilliant future for humanity.

Breakout Session #3: Going Deeper:The Art & Science of the Global Consciousness Project and GCP2.0

  • Moderator: Claudia Welss
  • Panel: Dean Radin, Rollin MCraty, and Roger Nelson

The Global Consciousness Project and its new 2.0 version are collaborative, pioneering, data-driven research efforts designed to be both pragmatic and to advance our foundational theoretical understanding of how collective consciousness interacts with the physical world — including the effects of love and compassion. In this session, we’ll go deeper into these aspects, as well as into the design and the data, the science and the practice that make it such a unique effort in “measuring what matters” to understand the true impact of collective consciousness in our world, and how we can all participate.

Breakout Session #4: Do Thought Come From the Brain?

  • Arnaud Delorme, PhD

Join us for an enlightening and entertaining presentation by IONS researcher Dr. Arnaud Delorme, who explores the fascinating intersections of consciousness, spirituality, and science. Dr. Delorme’s work spans an impressive range of topics from the neural bases of meditation and daydreaming, as explored in his book Why Our Minds Wander, to pioneering studies into psi phenomena, mediumship, and healing practices. Through rigorous scientific methods, he seeks to unravel the mysteries of human consciousness, offering insights into psychic abilities, the potential of mind-body interventions, and the neurological signatures of spiritual experiences. This talk promises to not only expand your understanding of the mind but also engage and captivate with groundbreaking research that challenges the conventional boundaries of science and spirituality.

Breakout Session #5: The Sound Medicine® Virtual Alpha Theta Binaural Beats Experience

  • Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD

Are binaural beats real or fake? We will begin with some of the science and the data behind the Sound Medicine® binaural beats technology. We will answer questions such as: What are binaural beats and what is binaural hearing? How does the auditory brain affect my states of consciousness?  Are binaural beats entrainment? What is the difference between entrainment and resonance? We will briefly glance at the data from my pilot study.  Then, we will experience a 20-minute audio binaural beats meditation process designed with peer-reviewed research in mind. After a short progressive relaxation, you will have 20 minutes to listen to the beautiful relaxing audio, paired with relaxing visuals for those who meditate with visuals. You will need headphones in order to process the binaural sound frequencies. Please listen for a minimum of ten minutes, although you are encouraged to rest and listen or the full 20 minutes. Following the sonic meditation, we will have time at the end for your questions.

Breakout Session #6: Science Spotlight Talks

The NDE as a cosmological compass

  • Natalia Sánchez

In a postgraduate research conducted in 2020-2021, the aim was to evaluate in a group of Colombian people if their near-death experiences (NDEs) impacted their cosmologies. The methodology encompassed thirty questionnaires and ten in-depth interviews. A high cosmological impact involves existential and meaningful aspects, and a change towards the view of reality, worldview and place in the cosmos. How do the NDE acts in the experiencers to trigger or not a cosmological shift? The present study proposes that an NDE functions like a cosmological compass, a tool that shows a certain orientation so experiencers can assess if they are on the correct path or not. The course that it marks is a cosmology where there are common behaviours and psychological attitudes, where a Beyond is part of the structure of reality and where there is a sense of interconnection and that we are part of something bigger.

Explore Your Psi Abilities as Revealed by the Consciousness Revolution

  • Gayle H Kimball

To learn about reality, I interviewed 65 visionary scientists (including IONS’ Radin, Wahbeh, and Schlitz) for a book trilogy. Their conclusion is the dominant materialist scientific paradigm limits our actual human potential. I’ll summarize the scientists’ definition of reality, based on non-locality and consciousness, and what gives them the courage to be pioneers. We’ll collect self-reported data about psi efficacy from you and the conference participants, such as describing your remote viewing target in the chat box, doing clairvoyant reading, feeling chi energy, and muscle testing.

Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy: A Re-Evaluation for a New Generation

  • Michael Mannion

Since antiquity, human inquiry has been characterized by a fundamental dichotomy, a split in thinking described variously as Science vs Spirit; Ether vs God; Body vs Soul.  The physician-scientist Wilhelm Reich’s discovery of orgone energy opens up a new view of the Universe and our place in it, helping us move beyond Dichotomy and toward Unity. This physical energy functions as bioenergy or Life Energy in living beings. The bioenergy is itself a function of the nonliving cosmic primordial energy existing in Earth’s atmosphere and permeating the cosmos. Orgone energy functions in nature, from cells to supernovas, eliminating artificial barriers between bioenergetic and astrophysical realms. This talk will highlight its applications in astrophysics; biogenesis; climate change; consciousness studies; ET-UAP research; healing; medicine; and more. Reich’s dynamic, paradigm-shifting contribution was not understood by his contemporaries.  It is time for a new generation to give open-minded scrutiny to this work.


Breakout Session #1: Restorative Justice: A New Paradigm for Social Transformation

  • Azim Khamisa

IONS Board Member Azim Khamisa teaches restorative justice, a transformative approach that seeks to heal victims, rehabilitate offenders, and mend communities, offering an alternative to the conventional punitive justice system. This approach is exemplified by the story of Tony Hicks, who, after being responsible for the death of Azim’s son, joined the Tariq Khamisa Foundation (TKF) and now speaks alongside Azim in school programs to promote healing and forgiveness.

Key Learning Points:

  • Learn the principles and goals of restorative justice and how it supports community betterment.
  • Discover strategies for implementing restorative justice effectively in various communities.
  • Explore Azim’s personal forgiveness journey, understanding the steps that helped him move beyond resentment and anger.

This session not only covers the mechanics of restorative justice but also dives into the profound impact of forgiveness, demonstrating how it can lead to personal and communal peace and redemption.

Breakout Session #2: Parapsychology in Daily Life

  • Mitch Horowitz

Historian and scholar of esotericism Mitch Horowitz considers how key findings of parapsychology weave a sense of extra-physicality into daily life, adding new dimensions to our range of spiritual and therapeutic options. Mitch considers precognition, retro-causality, ESP, and time-space relativity in matters of personal use as well as in medicine and UFO studies. Join us for a practical, erudite consideration of breakthroughs in parapsychology and the perceptual sciences.

Breakout Session #3 UFOs and Consciousness

  • Moderator: Mark Gober
  • Panel: Jim Garrison, Adam Curry, Iya Whitely, and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

When we hear about UFOs in the news, we’re often told details of alleged crafts in the sky. But we don’t hear as much about consciousness. How does consciousness science intersect with the UFO phenomenon? Jim Garrison, Adam Curry, Iya Whitely and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens will discuss this subject with IONS Board member Mark Gober. The session will also include a segment of audience Q&A.

Breakout Session #4: Evidence of True Civilization at the End of the Last Ice Age

  • Robert Schoch

According to the conventional paradigm, true civilization did not emerge until circa 4,000 to 3,000 BCE in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and elsewhere. It has been asserted that prior to 6000 years ago humanity existed primarily in a “gatherer and hunter” stage. However, the latest archaeological and geological evidence, such as the re-dating of the origins of the Great Sphinx in Egypt and excavations at the enormous megalithic complex of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, support the reality of the existence of sophisticated culture and civilization at circa 10,000 BCE. These early people built incredible megalithic structures, had sophisticated societies, and there is evidence that they were literate to at least some extent. This early cycle of civilization, referred to as the Urian, was dealt a mighty setback when our overly active Sun initiated massive solar outbursts that abruptly ended Earth’s last ice age. In this session, Dr. Robert Schoch will explore with the attendees this new paradigm that is emerging regarding the rise and fall of civilization, and the lessons from those ancient times that are applicable to our current society.

Breakout Session #5: Dreaming for Healing: Exploring the Impact of Lucid Dreaming Workshops on PTSD

  • Garret Yount, PhD

Lucid dreaming, a dream state where individuals attain self-reflective awareness while remaining asleep, holds promise for promoting healing. Building upon a pioneering pilot study published in 2023, which revealed significant declines in PTSD symptoms following a lucid dreaming workshop, the IONS team recently completed a randomized, controlled study – a gold standard in mainstream medical research – validating the pilot study’s findings. IONS Scientist Dr. Garret Yount will share these unpublished findings, delving into their implications for future research and the profound positive impact they may bring to individuals battling PTSD.

Breakout Session #6:

  •  Master Mingtong Gu

Join Master Mingtong Gu for a transformative 60-minute breakout session focused on the ancient practice of Qigong. Master Mingtong Gu is a renowned Qigong master, healer, and teacher brings decades of experience and a deep understanding of this traditional Chinese practice.

Afternoon Plenary Session: Does Advanced, Nonhuman Intelligence Exist?

  • Moderator: Mark Gober
  • Panel: Jim Garrison, Adam Curry, Iya Whitely and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Jim Garrison, Adam Curry, Iya Whitely and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens will join IONS Board member Mark Gober to discuss evidence that “we are not alone” in the universe. Why does this matter? What are the implications? Join us for this mind-expanding session to consider some of the biggest cosmic questions for our future.

Saturday Evening Plenary Session: Does Physics Need a Revolution to Understand Life, Living Systems & Consciousness?

  • Moderator: Anita Goel
  • Panel Hal Puthoff,  Dean Radin, and Thomas Brophy

Anita Goel chairs a Roundtable with Hal Puthoff,  Dean Radin, and Thomas Brophy

Movie: Gratitude Revealed

June 2, 2024

Morning Noetic Practice- Meditation

  • Michael Sapiro, PsyD

Please join Zen monk, Clinical Psychologist, and psychedelic psychotherapist, Dr. Michael Ryoshin Sapiro, for a guided experience into the psyche and cosmos while resting in pure awareness.  This meditation will conclude with a talk on personal awakening for the sake of collective transformation.

Sunday Morning Plenary

Future of Wellbeing and the Awakened Life

  • Deepak Chopra

The Overview Effect

  • Moderator: Claudia Welss
  • Panel: Frank White, Cassandra Vieten, Mike Sapiro, and Sian Proctor

A formative part of the IONS legacy, the Overview Effect is a transformative experience that offers astronauts profound and sometimes surprising new insights on Earth, humanity, the Universe and even reality itself. It can catalyze a sense of unity, environmental consciousness, spiritual awareness and a sense of planetary stewardship with lasting implications for the experiencer and for society as a whole. What could be the impact of a “second golden age of space travel” on creating a global mind change, and how can the benefits be scaled without going to space?


Breakout Session #1: Sacred Activism: A Dialogue on Healing and Social Justice

  • Hawah Kasat

We hear the word used all the time, but what really is healing? What does it mean to be whole and does feeling complete as an individual require feeling complete as a society? Join us for an honest conversation on the role that ancient practices play in our modern world. We will explore any direct connections between the first two limbs of Hatha Yoga (the yamas and niyamas) and sacred activism. Are healing, liberation, and social justice truly interdependent?

Breakout Session #2 Going Deeper: Harnessing the Overview Effect for a Global Mind Change

  • Moderator: Claudia Welss
  • Panel: Frank White, Cassandra Vieten, Mike Sapiro

As IONS celebrates its Golden Anniversary, humanity is entering its “second Golden Age of space travel.”  How can we best preserve and leverage the transformational power of the Overview Effect, not just for planetary stewardship, but for expanding into the solar system and beyond? This session will also expand on how the lessons of the Overview Effect are already being harnessed to create a Global Mind Change here on Earth, on the research into the transformational effects of awe, and will provide a meditative experience.

Breakout Session #3: ‘Waking Up’ and ‘Growing Up’ for a Global Mind Change

  • Ken Wilber, Philosopher

One of the most important of recent discoveries in the realm of religions is that human beings have two very different types of religious spirituality available to them.  One, called “Waking Up,” is many thousands of years old and is found in of the most of the world’s major religions; the other, called “Growing Up,” was discovered only 100 years ago and is found in virtually none of them.  I want to go over the historical development of both of these and point out why they both need to be embraced and included.  This will have much importance for, in the future, the emergence of a Global Mind Change in Action.

Breakout Session #4: After the Paradigm Shift: The Resurrection of Magic

  • Dean Radin, PhD

There are radical shifts under way in how science is considering the role of consciousness in the physical world. When this paradigm shift has passed through its predictable chaotic stage and things settle down again, what are the consequences? One important change that I will discuss is that traditional esoteric magic — real magic — will emerge from the shadows, but this time under the lens of scientific investigation, and as a result, the woo-woo taboo that has long suppressed this natural capacity will shine new light on these abilities.

Breakout Session #5:The Global Mind Shift & Elevating Ori

  • Yeye Luisah Teish

Join esteemed ritualist, author, and Oshun priestess Luisah Tiesh for an enlightening session on the imperative global mind shift needed to foster a sustainable and just world. In this presentation, Tiesh will explore three critical areas for transformation: cultivating respect for the Earth by adopting regenerative environmental practices, dismantling the hierarchy of human value to eradicate systemic ‘isms,’ and overcoming ‘Wahala’ (spiritual confusion) by embracing humility and interdependence. Following this, a 20-minute segment on ‘Elevating Ori’ will offer practical Yoruba practices to enhance personal and collective consciousness. Learn how to cleanse your environment, bless the head, and embody ancestral wisdom to navigate and contribute to a harmonious future. This session is a call to action for those ready to step out of their comfort zones and commit to being ancestors of the future.

Breakout Session #6: Science Spotlight Talks

Does eating meat and dairy impact our capacity to experience interconnectedness?

  • Michael Daw

Spiritual traditions such as shamanism and Eastern religions emphasize the benefits of vegetarianism for spiritual development. There is also a growing body of evidence that vegetarian and vegan diets offer significant environmental and health benefits. My PhD research (with Prof. Chris Roe and Dr Cal Cooper) showed that vegetarians report significantly more anomalous experiences than meat eaters, and the same for vegans compared with vegetarians. In my precognition experiment, vegans and vegetarians performed better than meat eaters. Might our spiritual and psychic awareness benefit from more plant-based diets? Does causing harm to animals impact on our capacity to experience interconnectedness? Is a shift away from eating animal products a natural consequence of becoming more spiritual? I will discuss whether this might demonstrate a logical progression from the interconnectedness of diet and health, diet and environmental harm, and diet and animal cruelty.

Remote Viewing: A Birds Eye View of Present & Future Research, Applications & Organizational Work

  • Debra Lynne Katz

Dr. Katz will present an overview in the ever-expanding field of remote viewing in terms of where it is today and where it is headed. This fast-paced presentation will be done in the style of Pecha Kucha. Examples of remote viewing sketches will be included.

Sunday Afternoon Plenary and Closing Ceremony

Waking Up’ and ‘Growing Up’ for a Global Mind Change

  • Ken Wilber

Renowned philosopher Ken Wilber will describe the major stages of human growth and development, point out where humans are today in that scale of development, and thus where we will likely evolve in the coming future years of our evolution.  He will compare and contrast these stages of “Growing Up” with those of “Waking Up”—or the experience of mystical unity and a feeling of being “one with the world”—and point out why both of them are incredibly important for any Global Mind Change in Action.

Where do we go from here?

  • Rupert Sheldrake

When IONS was first founded, it seemed as if a global mind change was imminent, but the rise of globalized neo-liberal capitalism after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 gave a new lease of life to the old materialist paradigm. Now that the old faith in limitless material progress is breaking down amidst so many global problems, there is a new urgency to the need for a global mind change. Consciousness research at IONS and elsewhere has already expanded our understanding of human and other minds, but much more is needed if we are to find ways of living together in greater harmony with the Earth, with each other and ourselves.  Research on spiritual practices could help us live healthier lives, as could a more experiential educational system. IONS has been at the forefront of consciousness research for five decades and is more needed than ever before.

Closing Ceremony and Intention Setting for a Global Mind Change

  • Claudia Wells
  • Thomas Brophy, PhD
  • Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR

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