IONS 19th International Conference

Global Mind Change
in Action

May 30 – June 2, 2024
Join us virtually for four days of possibility, inspiration, and transformation.

Register Now

Explore shifts in consciousness with the world's leading thinkers


See what the Conference Journey will look like for Attendees!

For the past 50 years, IONS has been leading the world in researching the possibilities of consciousness. This moment demands that we put what we’ve learned into action, that we shift from “me” to “we” to address our global crises together. 

Join us May 30th – June 2nd on our easy-to-use digital platform as we gather with thousands of community members and thought leaders — including scientists, practitioners, and healers — to explore the individual and collective paths available to shift global consciousness.

Featured Presenters

Of course, IONS’ expert science team — Helané Wahbeh, Dean Radin, Arnaud Delorme, Garret Yount, and Cedric Cannard — will be in full force, along with our new President, Thomas Brophy, and Board Chair / Interim CEO, Claudia Welss.

In addition we'll have mind-expanding presentations by world-renowned speakers discussing consciousness and AI, UAPs, psychedelics and creativity, mind-body healing, extraordinary human capacities and more. Here are a few of them!

“This conference was an incredibly valuable experience. I learned so much. I left feeling so inspired!”

– Miquila Alejandre, Previous Conference Attendee

Theme 1: Extraordinary Human Capacities

Explore the vast potential of human consciousness across the ages, including psychic abilities, energy healing, lucid dreaming, psychedelics and creativity, channeling, mediumship, and intuition. Collaborate on cultivating these capacities for well-being, self-transcendence and participation in a brighter future. Register now!

Theme 2: Nonlocal Consciousness

What is meant by “Big C” Consciousness? Is there a collective consciousness and what are the implications? How do these concepts of consciousness inform the possibilities and perils around artificial intelligence (AI), climate and the environment, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and the role of psychedelics for humanity? Register now!

Theme 3: Global Mind Change In Action

Gather with like-minded community and practitioners to explore the individual and collective awakening and healing processes necessary to change the trajectory of the modern world. Through science-based projects like the Global Consciousness Project 2.0 and IONS Discovery Lab, we’ll focus on practical applications for achieving a paradigm shift in consciousness. Register now!

Theme 4: Experiential Explorations

Encounter practices that cultivate and support personal and mutual transformation, including meditation, sound healing sessions, breathwork, and other inner explorations. You’ll come away with firsthand experiences and tools to support your conscious evolution. Register now!

Explore the World of Noetic Possibility at our Exhibitor Booths!

Engage with over 30 organizations and individuals that offer practices, services, and information that can help deepen the way we understand ourselves, our world, and our purpose.

Our Exhibitors Include…

Pachamama Alliance | California Institute for Human Science – CIHS | Scientific Medical Network | CourAgeUs | GlideWing | Mindshift Institute | Soulivity | Parapsychological Association | Synaptic Institute | HeartMath Institute | Cosmointel Doc Sibson Consulting | MAP Coaching Institute | Conner Kees | Janel Mulligan | Enterogetics | IntuitionLab | Aviva Integrative Health | AV3X | Yvonne Brock | Snehi’s Healing Hands | The Breema Center | Deep Spring Center | Khora Consulting | Exceptional Experiencer Empowerment Initiative | Sage Animal Communication | Awakening Spiritual Intelligence | The Gateways | Integral Transformative Practice International (ITPI)  | Human Vitality and Resilience Center  | SHE Living Ministry.

Enjoy the exploration!

“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.”

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Your Chance to Connect

Join us for over 50 hours of globally curated noetic presentations, including mind-expanding science and experiential options with powerful researchers, teachers, and practitioners.

Your ticket entitles you to:

Plenary sessions of keynote speakers and panel discussions

Breakout sessions and Q&A to dive more deeply with your favorite experts

Connect with fellow noetic explorers from our international community via discussion tables, networking spaces, and a social lounge

Mini-workshops with leading practitioners of the healing and intuitive arts

A library of experiential noetic practices to try on your own

Morning meditation and movement sessions to get your day started

An online exhibition hall to connect with facilitators and entrepreneurs in the world of consciousness exploration

Instant replays of all presentations and breakout sessions — available to registrants for 10 days after the close of the conference!

See what the Conference Journey will look like for Attendees!

Register Now!

IONS strives to offer events as inclusive as possible. Those who are income sensitive may apply for a scholarship.

We have selected a digital platform that offers significant ADA compliance and accessibility. Learn more here.

Refund Policy: You can receive a full refund of your conference registration minus a $50 administration fee until May 25th. No refunds requests will be accepted after May 25th.


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