
The 12 Characteristics that Make Up the Noetic Signature™

May 12, 2022
Experience Team

Twelve Noetic Signature characteristics were revealed through the completion of phase III of the Noetic Signature Study™. This research is helping us learn more about our IONS Guiding Hypothesis:

All things are interconnected, and embodying that awareness reveals information and energy not limited by space and time, and can profoundly amplify transformation, innovation, and well-being.

We’d like to share with you what we have discovered! People use many different words to describe it, like clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, psi, psychic, channeling, extended human capacities, anomalous information reception, etc. We propose that all people can access this “noetic” information and energy — that which is not limited by space and time. However, the way people access and receive this information and energy is unique — we call this the Noetic Signature™.

In the three-phase process, our Director of Research  Dr. Helané Wahbeh led the data analysis to discover how the specific items related to each other and to develop the Noetic Signature™ Inventory. In phase I, 521 participants wrote out their noetic experiences that were qualitatively analyzed resulting in five themes of noetic phenomena. In Phase II of the study, the Noetic Signature™ Inventory with 44-items was developed from these themes. Thousands of people took this new questionnaire and their results were analyzed. The team found 11 content characteristics for the different ways people experience noetic phenomena. In Phase III of the study, the Noetic Signature™ Inventory was taken by another group of over a thousand people to see if the 11-characteristic model was confirmed. Using statistical analysis, the team found that, in fact, a 12-content characteristic model fits the data much better than the previous one. We found that people usually experience more than one characteristic at various times and intensities. The resulting 12 content characteristics are described below. Do you see any that resonate with you?  

Characteristic 1: Inner Knowing 

Inner knowing is very common. Just about everyone could say that at one point or another they have had an important intuition, insight, gut feeling, or hunch about something. This is the inner knowing that William James referred to when he described noetic experiences as a state of knowledge separate from our intellect, and it comes with a sense of authority. These experiences are often challenging to describe in words. Our research shows us that this general intuition category has three subcategories: Knowing Through Emotions; Feeling in the Body; and Knowing Mentally.

  • 1a – Knowing Through Emotions: You feel or experience others’ emotions (e.g., sadness, joy, depression, excitement, etc.) regardless of their distance from you and without them communicating it to you directly or observing them with your five senses. These emotions may also tell you things about other people, places, or times. Emotional inner knowing goes beyond ordinary empathy, where you relate to someone else’s emotions.
  • 1b – Feeling in the Body: You sense information about people, places, and situations in your physical body. Information you access in this way could not be known through your traditional five senses. You might often say about your inner knowing, “I just feel it,” or “I have a gut feeling or hunch that…”
  • 1c – Knowing Mentally: You know when something is true about people, places, or situations that could not be known or inferred by rational thought. You might often say about your inner knowing, “I just know it.” Numerous controlled experiments have explored the nature of inner knowing, including those noetic experiences described as “gut feelings,” “intuitive hunches,” and “psychic.” 
Characteristic 2: Embodied Sensations

Your physical body gives you specific sensations alerting you that you are accessing noetic information. This is different from Feeling in the Body because it is a very specific sensation rather than a general feeling in the body. For example, if you scored high on Embodied Sensations, you may experience sensations like heat or cold, goosebumps, smells, visions, tastes, sounds, dizziness, or tingles/vibrations/electricity in your body when you are accessing noetic information. The body as a “receiver” or “sensor” of noetic wisdom is well-known and studied.

Characteristic 3: Visualizing to Access or Affect

You use visualization or mental imagery to manifest things in your life or in the world. Research has shown that our intention has an influence on the physical world, from affecting machines in the laboratory, to improving the benefits of chocolate and tea, to plant growth, and healing effects on cells, animals, and humans.

Characteristic 4: Inner Knowing Through Touch

Your sense of touch is one way you access noetic information. You can touch an object and gain knowledge from it other than what you would know from your traditional five senses, or learn about people who owned it or were near the object. Historically, the term used to describe this ability is psychometry.

Characteristic 5: Healing

You use noetic information for healing. Others report that they have benefited from your healing intentions. Experiments where the positive intention is directed at humans, animals, plants, and cells, have found small but significant positive results. Energy medicine techniques such as Therapeutic Touch and Reiki have also been shown to positively affect conditions like pain, cancer, mental health symptoms, and hypertension.

Characteristic 6: Knowing the Future

You access noetic information about events in the future. Numerous laboratory studies have shown that people can know the future both consciously and unconsciously. Others have explored precognitive experiences in everyday life.

Characteristic 7: Physical Sensations from Other People

People who score high in this category have felt physical sensations in their own body, like pain, heat, or cold, that may be originating from someone else. This characteristic is best described with some examples. For example, Anita was driving in the car with Sue. Suddenly, Anita’s left knee started hurting even though she never had issues in her knee before. She asked Sue how she was doing and Sue replied that she was ok but her left knee was really bothering her from a recent injury. Anita realized she was feeling Sue’s knee pain. Some have labeled these experiences as telesomatic –  described as physical symptoms shared by people at a distance.

Characteristic 8: Knowing Yourself

Noetic information supports your own personal growth, perception of yourself, and decision-making. You likely use noetic information for self-healing, awareness, or introspection. Numerous studies have explored the positive impact noetic experiences can have on people’s lives supporting them in being highly functional, and well-adjusted with an increased sense of quality of life.

Characteristic 9: Knowing Other’s Minds

You access noetic information from other people’s minds, in the vernacular called telepathy. Many studies have demonstrated telepathic connections in everyday life through experimental methods relying on email, text messages, and the telephone

Characteristic 10: Apparent Communication with Non-Physical Beings

Your noetic information comes from apparent communications with non-physical beings, such as deceased people, spirit guides, and other entities. These experiences have been called mediumship, and channeling. This phenomenon has also been studied in the context of mental mediumship.

Characteristic 11: Knowing Through Dreams

You access noetic information in dreams. Numerous laboratory studies, many called “dream ESP” experiments, have shown that people can access noetic information while they are asleep.

Characteristic 12: Inner Voice

Your noetic information comes to you through an inner voice. Inner voice experiences are very common and have been called clairaudience. These experiences are receiving growing interest among mental health researchers who are highlighting that inner voice experiences are not always signs of mental illness but can be normal, functional, and add value to people’s lives

What’s Your Noetic Signature™? Help us validate our new Noetic Signature Inventory!

Click here to participate in the study. It includes taking one 15-minute survey.

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