Now, perhaps more than ever, humanity is being called to embrace our interconnectedness. This is a unique moment in time for IONS – from the synergistic emergence of new research partnerships to the expanding global reach of our experiential programs, IONS continues to deepen our commitment to serving humanity and our planet. We remain firm in our conviction, grounded in our founding legacy and decades of rigorous research, that the noetic sciences hold a crucial key to a better future for all.
Thanks to your financial support and partnership, we continue to forge new pathways in frontier science, sharing with the world the fundamental reality of our interconnection. We’d love to share some of our efforts this past fiscal year.
- Engaging over 23,000 noetic seekers from around the world through our experiential programs and free webinars.
- Holding the gold standard of scientific validation with our science team publishing 12 peer-reviewed papers including:
- The Noetic Signature Inventory: Development, Exploration, and Initial Validation, Published in Frontiers in Psychology
- Exploring Personal Development Workshops’ Effect on Well-being and Interconnectedness, Published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
- Patient Perspectives on the Causes of Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Study on the Relationship Between Stress, Trauma, and Breast Cancer Development, Published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being
- Psi Performance as a Function of Demographic and Personality Factors in Smartphone-Based Tests: Using a “SEARCH” Approach, Published in the Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition
“IONS’ work is IMHO [in my humble opinion], the most important long-term exploration currently being done. It is as simple as this: can we evolve to a higher level of consciousness and connection fast enough and with enough robust acceptance to actually advance mankind?” –Steve Wilhelm, IONS Donor
In addition, we are conducting 25 active leading-edge scientific research projects, including:
- IONSx: Global Consciousness Project 2.0 is a collaborative psychokinesis experiment with our partners HeartMath and the Global Consciousness Project (GCP). A new and improved random number generator device has been designed and multiple devices will be placed around the world. Sophisticated new analysis techniques will be implemented to see how the random data relates to collective emotion indicators and major world events as part of our inquiry into if the mind directly influences the material world.
- IONSx: Spontaneous Remission Bibliography (SRB) is an update of the extraordinary cases of spontaneous healing of cancer. Part of this effort is to build a transformative, web-based clinical instrument based on over 25 years of SRB research. This dynamic and intuitive clinical tool will be freely accessible both to patients and physicians and is poised to become a hallmark in treatment decisions in oncology institutions around the world.
- IONSx: GotPsi Talent is a new platform that collects psi and personality-related data and identifies psi talents. This work is especially important because it provides information about how psi works as well as identifying what personality traits might indicate people who do well on specific psi tasks.
- IONSx: Remote Viewing Database Norming is a large collaborative project with the University of Denver and the Institute of Love and Time aiming to norm 1800 pictures on 18 characteristics. Never before freely available, this project will be open to all researchers in support of parapsychology experiments that require images.
- IDL: Healing Lucid Dream Pilot Study asks, can lucid dreaming tap into powerful inner resources to create changes in our physiology and promote healing? Measuring inflammatory biomarkers, this study aims to evaluate whether internally-generated intentions in a lucid dream can influence our physiology.
- IDL: Extended Perception Reiki Study evaluated extended perception during Reiki energy medicine sessions. We learned that participants’ well-being did indeed improve. The data also showed that the intuitive perceivers’ observations about the participants’ health were highly corroborated, and also matched participants’ self-report. Additional medical intuition studies expanding on this work are planned.
We at IONS are driven to do the work necessary to shift the limitations of the dominant scientific worldview and irrefutably demonstrate the interconnected nature of reality. By assisting people to embody an understanding of this fundamental truth, noetic sciences can help heal the sense of separation that lies at the heart of so many of the urgent issues of our time — including climate change, racial division, social injustice, crises in healthcare and healing, and old-paradigm leadership.
With your continued financial support, we will light the spark needed for true global transformation – for the benefit of humanity, Earth and all life. As we launch our important fiscal-year-end campaign, a group of dedicated donors has generously issued a $100,000 Challenge Match. All gifts will be doubled up to $100,000 through June 30!
Thank you for considering making a special gift to help us secure the vitally needed resources for IONS leading-edge research and life-changing experiential programs. Together, we’ll continue to realize the depth of our interconnection, and spark transformation.