It’s a new year — a time time for reflection and setting new intentions. There are many practices one can choose to aid in doing this. One powerful option is to use a labyrinth as a tool for a walking contemplative practice. Veriditas, a friend of IONS, offers a simple practice that you might enjoy.
Veriditas was founded by Lauren Artress in 1995 to “inspire personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.” They train and support labyrinth facilitators around the world and offer events at EarthRise, around the US, and in Europe. The word “Veriditas” originated with the mystic Hildegard of Bingen and means “the greening power of the Spirit.” That’s what Veriditas aims to do: to cultivate the greening power of Spirit through the labyrinth experience.
Walking the Labyrinth
- Start by reflecting on what your hopes and goals are for 2019. You may want to journal these thoughts before walking.
- If you are new to the labyrinth, here is further information.
- A labyrinth is not a maze. Mazes are designed to lose your way; labyrinths are designed to help you find your way.
- Simply follow the path. If it is your first time, walk in open to your experience; don’t dismiss anything that occurs. Dream images may float by, memories, new insights, answers. The experience is unique to each person.
- Find and follow your natural pace; the pace your body wants to go. Feel free to pass others.
- You may meet people coming out of the labyrinth as you go in. It is a two-way street.
- Once you arrive at the center, sit, stand, stay as long as you want and then follow the same path back out.
- Take everything that happens in the labyrinth as metaphor and consider journaling about your experience.
Hope you enjoy the experience. Here’s to 2019!
To find the nearest labyrinth near you, try this world-wide Labyrinth Locator.