
Next Generation ConnectIONS : The Spirit of Community

July 1, 2015
Mollie Robertson

Change starts within, a single spark spiraling outward.  This is the model of transformation espoused by IONS as a map of how shifts in consciousness can significantly impact the way people perceive and shape their realities.

What happens once you arrive at the outer reaches of that spiral?  With IONS Next Gen, we hope to not only raise awareness about the relevance of noetics to social evolutions, but to also host space for those elevating connections to take root and grow.

Next Gen enables diverse communities of noetic explorers to weave a web of collective wisdom for the benefit of current and future generations. Next Gen resolves to break down barriers in ways of thinking, freeing ourselves to engage authentically with each other and feel inspired to take conscious action in the world.

The seeds for Next Gen were planted two years ago, and at IONS 16th conference next month near Chicago, we will see this budding initiative blossom. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to participate in several activities and events that will expand individual involvement and facilitate peer-to-peer connection at the conference. Conference-goers are enthusiastic, inquisitive, and have unique wisdom to share, and now they have the platform to share that passion with each other.

Do you feel drawn to connect with others and participate more fully and consciously in the world? You can get started with some activities Next Gen is hosting:

  • Join in the Conversation Circles : Daily hosted inter-generational dialogues that encourage participants to  unpack the keynote themes of each day and to co-vision how to act on those themes within our communities.
  • Attend the Spotlight Talks and Poster Presentations: Brief talks given by conference attendees who will  share their passions, projects, and/or visions with a community of like-minded peers. Topics will be noetic in nature, ranging from the scientific to the spiritual. While Spotlight speakers have been selected, the Poster Session is still open to further submissions. If you wish to participate,  there’s still time to send a brief abstract to
  • Connect and change lives with the Mutual Mentorship Program: A relationship building container to establish mutually beneficial and inter-generational connections within the Noetic community.

Next Gen invites you to join others to engage in meaningful conversation, develop action steps for living with purpose, and discover the possibilities unleashed when self-exploration and interconnection are embraced.

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