
New Year’s Intentions are the New Resolutions

December 23, 2022
IONS Communications Team

A new year can feel like a whole new beginning. An opportunity to reflect on our past and consider our future. For some, that may mean setting a new year’s resolution to save money or lose weight. Others may try to build new relationships or strengthen existing connections. However, some have found it difficult to maintain these ideas as the year stretches forward. It’s possible they may fall back into their old status quo.

As we consider what we may want to change about our lives in the coming year, perhaps the best place to start is by switching from making resolutions to setting intentions.

Why Intentions are Better than Resolutions 

Deepak Chopra has described intentions as “a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the form of that which you aim to create.” In other words, intentions aren’t limited to just the new year. They can happen any day of the year and as many times as needed. While a resolution may focus on an ambitious end goal like losing weight, an intention can be as simple as saying “Today, I will eat a healthy meal.” By visualizing a smaller piece of a goal, it becomes less daunting of a challenge. You don’t need to reach your goal weight today, just enjoy a nice salad. Intentions may help us in taking the little steps we need to reach bigger goals.

In many ways, setting smaller goals through intentions is a form of self-care. Because of our deep interconnectedness, or Oneness, we can see our own self-care as an extension of our planetary care.

Intentions in Action

IONS has conducted numerous experiments on intentionality over our 50-year history. One especially memorable experiment conducted by Chief Scientist Dean Radin focused on whether the mood-enhancing qualities of chocolate could be increased with intentionality. The results? Participants who consumed good-intention-infused chocolate for three days showed a statistically significant improvement in their mood! (Read more about the experiment results.)

IONS Intentions for You

If you’re interested in seeing intentions take form, this month’s InterconnectIONS member event examines the powerful and popular theme of “Intentionality.” InterconnectIONS member events offer a high-engagement experience designed to foster community in a supportive IONS setting. It’s a unique opportunity to connect with IONS members and share how to set intentions and what your intentions for the year will be. Learn more about how to become a member and its benefits here

Even if you are not a member yet, we invite you to enjoy a short experiential practice around setting intentions and manifesting in this video, guided by Kerstin Sjoquist, IONS Director of Experience & Engagement.

The team at IONS intends all the best for you in the year ahead!

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