
New Study Seeks Clinicians to Help Explore Medical Intuition

November 12, 2023
Science Team

IONS is conducting a study on medical intuition. We are seeking 5-10 clinicians to be part of the project.

What is medical intuition? A system of expanded perception gained through the development of the human sense of intuition, which is believed to allow the medical intuitive (MI) to identify and assess the underlying drivers or root causes of imbalance, to not only help promote physical well-being but also emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. (Colter, Mills, 2020)

What clinicians can be part of the project? 5-10 medical doctors (MDs), doctors of osteopathy (DOs), or nurse practitioners (NPs), who are general practitioners and internists.

What would I do? You would be expected to recruit 5-10 patients between the ages of 35 and 65 who have symptoms with an unknown etiology (i.e., the clinician has been unable to determine the cause of the symptoms) or a diagnosed medical condition that has been resistant to treatment. You would have one approximately 30-minute online visit with your patient and a second 60-minute online visit with your patient and a certified MI. You would complete forms before and after each online visit. We anticipate your participation to be approximately 2 hours for each patient. You would be compensated for your time. You would also agree not to charge your patient or submit to their insurance for their visits.

How long is the study? We hope to finish your study portion in 5 months but could finish sooner if patient recruitment and scheduling allow.

Your participation will help us understand the usefulness of medical intuition to your practice. If you are interested, please click below to complete the information below to be considered for the role. If you are selected, our research team will contact you to share more details about the study.


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