
How to Live a Life You Love Living Through the Art and Science of Transformation

August 1, 2019
Mary Morrissey

Each and every one of us is brought into existence to live a life of joy, fulfillment, and abundance. Yet more often than not, we are conditioned to settle, to dream small (or worse, not at all), and to let outside circumstances dictate the course of our lives. Sadly, many people live their entire lives believing that their circumstances have complete control over their results, but that’s simply not true!

Everyone has the power to change their results and live lives they truly love living. I learned this lesson quite early in life, but it took me years to fully understand and appreciate how it works. And from that point on, I was on a mission to find out.

Patterns of Success

And thus, the journey began… I spent decades studying, applying, and testing the Invisible Laws of Success in an effort to fully understand the art and science of transformation, not just for myself, but so that I could help others bring their biggest dreams to life.

What I discovered was truly remarkable! By working with and observing some of the world’s most successful people, it became clear that they all share a certain pattern of habits and behaviors that allow them to achieve phenomenal levels of success in all areas of their lives, including health and well-being, time and money freedom, love and relationships, and vocation and career. And one of the most incredible things about them is that they all faced difficult – sometimes even traumatic – challenges along the way. Their circumstances and situations did not stand in the way of their success.

How to Transform Your Life

Whatever success means to you personally, it may surprise you to know that the only thing standing between you and the life you want to live is your mindset. That’s good news, because it means that you have the power to shift your thinking and create the life and success you desire.

Transformation doesn’t just magically occur for a select few lucky individuals. You have the ability to create the life you want if you let go of limiting beliefs about success and adopt a growth mindset. When you’re able to do this, all kinds of doors will open for you.

Three Steps to Transform Desires Into Results

So here’s an important question for you: What would you love in your life?

When you find the answer, know that it’s okay to want that. Your deepest desires are holy. Life is seeking a freer, fuller, expanded version of itself by means of itself. It’s up to you to notice and make welcome what you’d love in your life.

1. Use your imagination.

Call upon your imagination to think in terms of specifics. What’s important to you? Then write it down.

If you keep breathing for 365 more days, you’re going to have results in four areas of your life one year from now. So, when you write down your goals, you strengthen the image of your goals in your mind, which helps you to communicate more effectively with the infinite side of your nature. This will help you generate more ideas for HOW to bring about your dream or goal.

2. Notice your longing and discontent.

Your feelings of longing and discontent are two sacred signals from your soul. If you long for something, you want something to shift or change in your life. Feeling discontent shows up in a form of dissatisfaction with your current circumstances. You may say things like, “I’m tired of being stressed about money,” or “I hate going to bed alone every night.”

Once you have written down your goals and looked closely at the two signals of longing and discontent, then do what you can with what you have, from where you are. You can only control a very small part of your life, but you CAN control who you choose to be every single minute of every day.

So how you can you be a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday? Notice the big and small opportunities for success in your life in each moment.

3. Hit the refresh button.

You’re not alone. There’s a power within you that’s breathing you and seeking success. This power sends you signals of longing and discontent so that you can create an image of what you would really love in your life.

Once you use your imagination to think of what you’d love, write it down, and listen to your longing and discontent. Then hold the image you’ve created in your mind. Believe that the power of love knows how to bring your dream about. Practice bringing love into your daily life and make today a success, moment by moment.

When you focus on taking 100% responsibility to build success one moment at a time, before you know it, you’ll turn around and see that you’ve had a successful week, and then a successful month, and eventually, a successful year. Success is something that’s in you right now and it’s as unique as your fingerprint or your soul print.

So, if you ever have a moment that you forget, become distracted or feel that you’re not moving in the direction of success, all you have to do is hit the refresh button and start over.

Proven, Reliable and Repeatable System of Transformation

If you have a strong sense that there’s more to life than what you’ve been experiencing so far…
If you know that you’d like to be, do, have and give more, and you know that your time is NOW… then my three-day, dream-building immersion experience, DreamBuilder® LIVE, is the place for you to be!

At DreamBuilder LIVE, my team and I will guide you through the three stages of dream-building – Blueprinting, Bridging and Building – the proven, reliable and repeatable formula to creating a life you love living, faster and more easily than you ever imagined possible.

There, you’ll be joined by hundreds of other dreambuilders from all walks of life and from around the world, working together to create a vision-driven life. You’ll spend the weekend in a safe, supportive environment designed to support you and your dreams, free from the distractions of day-to-day life!

About the Author

Mary MorrisseyMary Morrissey is the author of two best-selling books, No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams, which became a PBS special. She’s also been featured in The Moses Code, Beyond The Secret and several other popular films. Together, with the Gandhi and King Foundations, Mary has addressed the United Nations three times on the topic of nonviolence, and she’s been privileged to facilitate three different week-long meetings with His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Mary also met with Nelson Mandela in Cape Town, South Africa, to address some of the most significant issues that our world is facing. For more than 40 years, Mary has taught millions of people, from all walks of life and from all around the world, how to take their dreams from imagination into reality through her books, courses and live events. Mary Morrissey is widely considered the world’s foremost expert on dream-building.

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