
Free! Exploration Guides to Foster Connection

November 10, 2021
Experience & Engagement Team

The Noetic Global Gatherings webinar series operated from February, 2018 through July, 2020 and consisted of over 20 online presentations featuring experts in the field of noetic science. These webinars focused on cutting-edge noetic research and transformative learning, bringing together a dynamic collection of people dedicated to exploring a wide range of noetic topics. We invite you to watch and experience this webinar series for free in the Noetic Global Gatherings Archive.

The Noetic Global Gatherings Archive contains the recordings of all 20+ online webinars, including the topic context, relevant resources, and IONS Exploration Guides. These guides accompany most Noetic Global Gatherings webinars, and can be used by individuals or groups interested in further exploring the noetic topics and concepts in the webinars, and using the experiential activities to spark a new conversation.

Each IONS Exploration Guide consists of the webinar summary, key concepts, discussion questions, experiential activities, and resources for further exploration. Whether you watch these webinars on your own or with a group of family or friends (or an IONS Community Group) these Exploration Guides can serve as a launching off point for deep noetic exploration and personal discovery.

Explore TODAY (FREE!)

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