Have you been experiencing more intense, vivid, or wondrous dreams lately?
Dreams can offer a glimpse into your core desires and how to integrate them into your waking reality.
Not only is this an unprecedented time for dreaming, there’s a collective shift toward looking at dreamwork differently. Dreamwork explores how to tap into your intuition and use that wisdom to manifest your desires.
Dreaming provides an opportunity to attend “night school” where you can practice facing your fears head on. Your subconscious is your nocturnal teacher, and shows you how to regulate and heal your deep emotions so that you can experience more clarity during your waking hours.
During this 5-day free online event, our dreamwork experts will show you how to connect with departed loved ones, receive divine messages, heal emotional trauma, nurture the grieving process, and wake up without leaving the dreamworld behind.
- More than 40 master dream teachers and psychology experts — including IONS Director of Research, Dr. Helané Wahbeh, IONS Scientist Dr. Garret Yount, Robert Moss, Don Alejandro Apaza, Sandra Ingerman, Dinesh Ghodke, Robert Hoss, and Khurshed Batliwala…
… will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your dreams.
Join is for the Dreamwork Summit. April 18 – 22.