
Advocate for a Better World — Take C3 for Free

June 25, 2020
Communications Team

We are at a crossroads in humanity, an evolutionary tipping point. Our collective hearts have been broken open by recent events of senseless violence, and we have seen millions of people standing together in solidarity — calling forth a world in which true justice and equality can be established for all people.

This time also asks each of us to open our collective eyes to truly recognize and repair broken systems based on racism, oppression and the false thinking that perpetuates them ― that is, thinking of the “other” as separate from us.

Our mission at IONS is to reveal the interconnected nature of reality through scientific exploration and personal discovery. We understand that it is not enough to illuminate ideas and research about our interconnectedness, but together as a community we must stand for integrating these ideas and ways of being into the social structures of our time.

Deep transformation requires skillful and effective approaches to informing, to educating, and to sharing messages that inspire action and change. IONS is supporting this effort by making our program C3: Consciousness, Communication, and Change available to anyone who wants to advocate for a better world.

Registration for this special self-paced version of C3 is free and open to all through the month of July. Please share with anyone who will find value in this offering!

Learn More About C3

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