
How to Empower Your Precognition

August 23, 2023
Theresa Cheung

It is a truth universally unacknowledged that the majority of our dreams contain precognitive themes, whether that be in showcasing potential future events, emotions, or mindsets. If you have ever experienced déjà vu/reve – on the day or a few days, weeks, months, or even years after a memorable dream, you encounter elements of that dream in your waking reality – you will already have your personal proof that you are a precognitive being.

Write down your dreams

So, the first rule of empowering your precognition is to make dream recall a top priority. And the second rule is to make dream recall a top priority.

Every night before you go to bed, tell yourself you are going to recall your dreams on waking. Place a notebook and a pen beside your bed. On waking keep still with your eyes closed until dream memories bubble to the surface, and then immediately write down your dreams in your notebook. Be sure to date the dreams. Don’t try to make sense of the dreams. Simply write down any words, stories, symbols, sounds, or images that come to mind. If nothing comes to mind write down the feelings you have on waking. Don’t try to interpret your dreams. At this stage, you just need to get into the routine of writing down your precognitive impressions first thing.

In your precognition notebook, aim to record your dreams on one side and your waking activities on the other side of a two-page spread. So, you have a day and night journal. Every night before you go to sleep, review your dream from the night before and then look for symbolic (or literal) correspondences with the day before. These are precognitive hits, so celebrate them as signs your precognition is growing stronger. Remember your dreams are likely to be symbolic rather than literal in their symbolism.

If dream recall is a problem, this is a sign that you need to balance the material stresses of your waking life and give yourself more time to mind wander. Spend time during the day walking in nature, listening to music, indulging in a spot of day dreaming, reading a fantasy novel, playing a video game. All these tips can reassure your dreaming mind that your intuition and creativity matter. Pay attention to your diet and ensure you get enough dream recall boosting B vitamins, in particular vitamin B6, and make sure you get some quality sleep. If you can, wake up without an alarm clock as alarm clocks shock your brain and body into waking reality too violently, they are the enemy of dream recall and heart health.

Revisit your precognitive dreams

To notice precognitive themes in your dreams, it is important that you not only write down your dreams on waking, and then later in the day spend time reflecting on their meaning to see what messages your inner psychic is sending you for your personal growth, but most important of all that you revisit those dreams again a few days later. This is the step most dream workers neglect, but it is the most important for empowering your precognition. You need to review your dreams from several days back to notice when and how they are being precognitive. I suggest you write down at least 20 or more dreams over a period of two to three weeks before you start decoding them for their precognitive potential. Precognitive dreams are best interpreted as a series rather than stand-alone.

Live your dream

To reassure your dreaming mind that you really are taking it seriously as a precognitive asset, on waking when you recall a dream, choose a colour, object, or any safe and everyday symbol that featured in your dream, and during the day, seek out that symbol. For example, if you dreamt of a bicycle, notice bicycles during the day or search online for a video of one. Notice how bringing your dream to life – consciously seeking out de-ja vu (de-ja reve) makes you feel.

Gather proof

Keep a written and date-stamped record every time you notice something in your waking life that you have experienced previously in a dream. This can be an object, event, situation, symbol, person, feeling, or mindset. This is your personal proof that you really are a visionary.

Remember, your dreams showcase potential futures, so never fear them. If you don’t like the future you glimpse in your dreams, you have free will, and you can change that potential future by the choices you make in the present. Your future is out there, but it is also always in your own hands. Treat it with unconditional loving care and respect.


Research that belief in your precognitive potential is the single most important factor when it comes to precognitive experiences, so repeat this affirmation daily. ‘I am a precognitive being. I see the future I am attracting clearly in my dreams and in my waking hunches.’

Meditate daily

Most of us have experienced a hunch that proved to be correct or had a dream that played out. It is the norm and not the exception, but if you feel you have never had a precognitive experience, research shows that a daily course of meditation can do the trick. It can stimulate the parts of your brain associated with empathy, intuition, and creativity – the doors to your innate precognitive potential. So a few minutes of daily meditation is highly recommended.


Although precognition is most likely to occur in the dream state, it can also happen when you are awake, although this is rarer. And when it does happen when you are awake, research shows precognitive signals tend to be experienced first in your body, most especially your gut and your heart rate. Studies by Dr Dean Radin and Dr Julia Mossbridge have shown that your body is predictive, and the term used is presentiment. Notice especially what your gut and your heart tell you not just on waking but also during the day.


Interestingly, recent research has also indicated that our brains are naturally predictive. Proving once again the power of your mindset and your perspective. Try this:

At some point each day, spend just a minute answering in your personal precognition notebook the following questions about how you will wake up the next morning. Be sure to date everything.

Answer the following questions ideally with one-word answers. Remember, don’t overthink, just write down what first comes to mind.

  • What room or space do you wake up in?
  • What woke you up?
  • What is the exact to the minute time you wake up?
  • Is it light or dark outside?
  • What are you wearing?
  • What mood are you in?
  • What dreams bubble to the surface?
  • What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Repeat this exercise every morning and notice how accurate your predictions are. Your brain loves predictive thinking. Studies show that when the brain is visualizing the future, it is far more alert than when it is remembering the past or experiencing the present. In short, precognitive training, AKA mental time travel or EFT (episodic future thinking) is great for your brain health. To quote Lewis Carol, it really is a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

You might want to try this exercise for one week ahead to really give your brain a workout it will love, or better still, try for one month or one year ahead. And when you create a future memory, remember you can revisit it at any time and add more details. Remember the vital follow-up step when you are exercising your predictive thinking. Noticing when you are correct. Don’t beat yourself up when you are not correct or have not predicted correctly. Scientists learn from their failures, and they are simply stepping stones to creating the formula for success.

Talk to your future self

Grab your phone and record a voice message for your tomorrow self. Make sure the message is unconditionally loving and positive. Then, the next day, listen to that message. Research in prisons and schools has shown this very simple recording exercise if repeated daily for at least three weeks significantly reduces stress and boosts wellbeing. It is also great for empowering your inner precognitive.

Precognitive experiences make nonsense of the concept that time is linear, suggesting that past, present, and future are happening all at once. Studies show that if people feel they are being observed, they naturally perform better. Here’s a transcendent and life changing thought. You are being watched all the time. Your future self is right here!

Extracted from Empower Your Inner Psychic (Harper Collins) kindly endorsed by Dr. Helané Wahbeh

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