I’m writing today to let you know about an important leadership transition at IONS as the evolution of our organization continues.
After saying goodbye to our Petaluma campus last year, we’re now saying goodbye to Claire Lachance, with heartfelt appreciation for her years of impactful service as CEO. Claire is moving on to lead ReSurge International, a prominent provider of reconstructive surgery in low-income countries. She leaves IONS with the strong operating foundation needed to effectively build on our many accomplishments in the noetic sciences — and to launch into expanding vision, impact and global collaboration for achieving our “moonshot.”
We’re excited for Claire, and we’re excited for IONS, which is well-prepared to enter into this promising next phase. While our board’s executive committee guides the process of selecting the right top executive to bring us into a new era of noetics, we’ll continue partnering with the management team to build on our robust organizational momentum. I’m grateful for the enduring board-staff partnership we’ve achieved, especially through our active board committees — including science, development, engagement, governance and finance committees — which are critical to our overall success.
As we approach our 50th anniversary, our current board/staff team is committed to both continuous improvement and to “walking our talk,” which help ensure that we successfully — and noetically — continue to identify and navigate the major organizational transitions required to realize our highest vision, mission, and strategic priorities. Beneficial synchronicities increasingly signal our coherence with universal forces that have always seemed to be guiding IONS in shifting the dominant scientific paradigm by bridging the gap between science and spirituality, between inner space and outer space, for the benefit of all Life. As our global crises accelerate, so does the demand for this reconciliation — something our founder Captain Edgar Mitchell realized was vital to actualizing humanity’s potential — and for IONS to play ever more meaningful roles at this critical inflection point in time.
Please join me and the rest of our board and staff in thanking Claire for the significant contributions she’s made to IONS, and in wishing her well in her new endeavors. As always, we send our appreciation to you, our beloved community, for your continued support of IONS, and for the many other important ways you help to evolve our world.
Claudia Welss
Chairman, Board of Directors
Institute of Noetic Sciences