
Breaking News from IONS Research

April 4, 2012
Cassandra Vieten, IONS Senior Fellow

Welcome to the first edition of IONS Breaking News, a periodic brief update coming to you directly from the research team and laboratory here at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. We’re expecting new Breaking News posts to be published once or twice a month… keeping you abreast of the latest hot-off-the-presses scientific developments at IONS such as new projects, funding, publications, speaking engagements, and interesting findings.

I’ve just returned from Portugal where I attended the Bial Foundation’s 9th Symposium “Behind and Beyond the Brain.” As a fellow of the Bial Foundation, which has funded our work at IONS for many years, I presented some provocative results of six experiments investigating mind-matter interactions at the quantum level in our double-slit optical system protocol. This project is led by our Senior Scientist, Dean Radin, and you can learn more and participate online. We’re happy to report that a paper on this project is in press (i.e. in the process of being published) in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays.

The theme of the symposium was “Sleep and Dreams,” and among about 200 attendees, a few other presenters included sleep researcher J. Allan Hobson from Harvard University, presenting on the neuroscience of sleep and dreaming, Caroline Watt from University of Edinburgh, presenting on the psychology of precognitive dreams, and long-time IONS colleague Stephen La Berge presenting on the science of lucid dreaming. This kind of meeting, involving other scientists from around the world and across disciplines, helps us synthesize our ideas, find out what our peers think about them, and form new ideas and collaborations.

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